Another Successful VE Session!


Two candidates successfully upgraded their licenses last Saturday at the Jenny Lind Fire Station.  One to General and the other to Amateur Extra.  Well done!

Thanks go out to the VE team: K6CDK, KI6OBE, WS6P, AE6LA and NV6V.

3-8-14 VE Testing 1

KI6OBE and K6CDK check in a candidate

3-8-14 VE Testing 2

KI6OBE and K6CDK check in a candidate

3-8-14 VE Testing 3

Checking the performance of a couple of roll-up J-Pole antennas


Monthly Breakfast


Greetings All,
 The monthly CARS breakfast is fast approaching.

Date: March 1st, 2014
Time: 9 am (1700 Zulu)
Place: Murphys Hotel Dining Room

Hope to see you there.

73s, Steve Dexter
CARS Secretary & Breakfast Coordinator

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of December 2013 SM Dan Pruitt, AE6SX- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC KF6FIR, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC K6QI, TC W6TE. Happy New Year! It is 2014. Well we crossed … Continue reading

Club Meeting

Just a Reminder : CARS is having the bi-monthly meeting Thursday of this
week, Jan. 09, 2014  In Angles Camp at the rear of the Odd Fellows Lodge,
accessible from the rear parking lot at 1830 hrs.
Signs will be displayed as usual on Raspberry Lane.
See U there & use 145.17 for problem solving.
Ur friendly CLUB Officers

CARS Christmas Donation Basket

CARS members,

Fortunately, ae6la, made a wise decision to cancel last Sunday's annual 
CARS Christmas Party
due to freezing temperatures, causing dangerous icing on many roads in 
Calaveras County.

Unfortunately, we were all disappointed by the party's cancellation. 
However, the "Christmas Donation Basket"
planned for the party is still empty, and we would still like to make a 
"CARS Donation" to the Food Bank.

Last year, many members donated to this cause to help those less 
fortunate than most. Hopefully, your donation will
help CARS reach its goal of beating last year's total of $680.00 
presented to the Food Bank.

It is not to late donate to the Food Bank by sending your check directly 
to CARS, Inc, which in turn will make a
check out to the Food Bank for the total received. Please try to send 
your donation to Bill by December 21st or

Please be as generous as you can with your donation, and you will be 
informed of the total collected and
presented to the Food Bank on behalf of CARS, Inc. members.

Send you tax deductible (CARS, Inc. is a non-profit organization) 
donation to:

CARS, Inc.
PO Box 391
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Attention: Bill Holmes, Treasurer

Merry Christmas to everyone...!!


Christmas Party Canceled


We need to say “Uncle” and call off the party. We just came back from the Post Office and we have at least 5 vehicles in the ditch. The roads are plowed but glazed and that won’t go away until it warms up. Today’s high is expected to be 27, 11 tonight and a high of 31 tomorrow. We’re sorry to miss having it. Maybe someplace else next year? 73, Ken Sanders – AE6LA President, Calaveras Amateur Radio Society
