SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of February 2013:


Time springs forward in March!

In fact the day after the “15th annual M Squared Open House”.  That
event is 16 March, one of the 2 large events in San Joaquin Section. 
The other is the DX Convention in Visalia!

This year is the first time M Squared has been an ARRL Sanctioned
event.  I'm looking forward to seeing Bob W6RGG, our Pacific Division
Director at M Squared.  At present Ron W6KJ, Section Manager of
Sacramento Section and Jim AF6AQ, East Bay Section Manager, have plans
to attend.  The Open House is always well attended.  As is usual,
Burgers, Dogs and Chili will be copiously consumed.  Vendors, new Ham
goodies, Amateur Exams, T-Hunts and prize drawings just for fun.

I enjoy networking with hams from all over.  We get to chew the fat and
compare ideas.

See you there!

73; Dan AE6SX

John K6MI placed first in Pacific Division A Class January 2012 VHF
Patrick K6BRW placed first Pacific Division RL Class January 2012 VHF
Rob AE6GE took First Place in January 2012 VHF Portable for Pacific
Division Q Class
Patrick K6BRW placed first and Duane KI6QEL placed second in June VHF
Contest RL Class.
02/05/2013 | ITU Offering Free Download of 2012 International Radio
02/06/2013 | New International Reply Coupon Introduced 
02/07/2013 | IARU Region 2 Seeks Input on HF Band Plan
 02/11/2013 | Three New “How To” Videos on the ARRL Website
 02/11/2013 | FCC Adopts Sweeping Changes to Experimental Radio
02/14/2013 | Oklahoma Ham Helps Develop New Winter Weather App for NOAA

In a Report & Order (R&O) -- FCC 13-15 -- released February 4, the FCC
adopted numerous changes to its Experimental Radio Service (Part 5),
revising and streamlining its rules.  
 02/21/2013 | American Red Cross to Phase Out Emergency Communication
Response Vehicles 
ARRL DXCC credit: 5X8C in Uganda (commencing in 2012) and the T6TJ
(commencing in 2012) and T6BP (commencing in 2011) operations in
 02/21/2013 | Amateur-created “Varicode” Adopted as ITU
 02/27/2013 | ARRL Website Debuts New Features         
 03/04/2013 | Montana Governor Signs Legislation to Protect Mobile
Amateur Radio Operations from Distracted Driving Regulations and right
to a 100 ft tower. 
03/07/2013 | More Than 20,000, E-mail Addresses
Blocked by Microsoft 


+ Idaho QSO Party        1900Z, Mar 9 to 1900Z, Mar 10
+ North American Sprint, RTTY        0000Z-0400Z, Mar 10
+ Wisconsin QSO Party        1800Z, Mar 10 to 0100Z, Mar 11
+ BARTG HF RTTY Contest        0200Z, Mar 16 to 0200Z, Mar 18
+ Russian DX Contest        1200Z, Mar 16 to 1200Z, Mar 17
+ North American Sprint, SSB        0000Z-0400Z, Mar 17
+ CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB        0000Z, Mar 30 to 2400Z, Mar 31 

+ SARL 80m QSO Party        1700Z-2000Z, Apr 4
+ LZ Open 40m Sprint Contest        0400Z-0800Z, Apr 6
21  Apr Rookie Roundup – Phone

Mark your Calendars:   The annual M Squared Open House is scheduled 16
March.  For more details contact  Radiofest Monterey
Bay is March 23rd, 2013.  For more information, go to  The Turlock ARC Spring Auction is April 13, 2013.
For information check The 64th Annual International DX
Convention sponsored by the Northern California DX Club will be held at
the Visalia Conference Center in downtown Visalia, California from April
19-21, 2013.  See for the latest information.
EMCOMM West for 2013 has been postponed. Field Day is June 22-23, 2013.
PACIFICON 2013 is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara
Marriott. See for information.

CLOVIS ARP  ++  First big event for public service was the annual
“Blossom Trail 10K Run”.  Communications from supporting groups
included ARES, RACES, SATERN, Fresno CERT (Cedric KI6FHD) and at least
4 Ham Clubs.

FRESNO ARC ++  Members Steve NA6G, Richard KE6SHL, Bob N2NS, and John
K6MI were all heard operating on RTTY contesting in February. Bob N2NS
and Steve K6AAB also were in the CW contests.  Of course M Squared
Antenna Open House was mentioned for 16 March!

SEQUOIA ARG ++ This month is all about humor.  Pig stories, road signs
and a reprint of a 1923 QST article.  On a serious note, an discussion
on how to avoid being computer hacked while traveling.

SIERRA ARC ++ Hal N6HAL reports on the results of CW training and the
continued rag chew net on 75 meter AM. This is a  Monday net at 2000
hrs.  The March meeting is on preparedness.  He also states that the
plan is to meet on 4 May as the second annual “BARC and SARC in the
Park”.  Last years combined Bishop and Sierra clubs had a great time. 

STOCKTON Delta ++ Flysheet includes an article about managing the
wireless microphones at the Super bowl, Thank you Shirl AA6K.
February's presentation on SDR radio by Guy, W6MSU, was well received. 
Nice description of Public Service events during February. 
Congratulations to the 11 new Ham techs!

TURLOCK ARC ++ April 13 is the date for the auction.  Maps, fees and
details are in the “ARCOVER” newsletter, on the website.  The TV
show “Last Man Standing”, is previewed showing the ham shack that
well be used in the episode.  Hints to the upcoming episode regarding
ham radio, from the producer.  The Field Day plans are well set with
the assignment of frequencies.

The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Stan
AC6TO, Karen AF6DR and Ed K6AHQ.  They will be missed.

Traffic for February 2013:
ORS: WS6P 273, K6RAU 11, W6SX 5 Total 289 
PSHR: WS6P 160, W6SX 29, K6RAU 67 

CTN (Calif Traffic Net)-FEB 2013: See Sacramento Valley Section] 

The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of
Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or
near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time.
San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time.
The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local
The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time
on 3.975 MHZ. 
Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly
on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. 
Western Public Service System (WPS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll - at
7:30 PM local Pacific Time.
The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local
Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of
NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic
on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills.  
The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL
100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737

The K6RAU (our Section Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course
is available at or
No need to know a "dit" from a "dah", simply with paper and pencil, and
following the instructions.

Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards
within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC
in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may
now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945 to the present.  K6ZZ can
check cards for 160 meters. DXCC card checkers may, at their
discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ can
check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes.  The card
checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award.  ARRL
Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and a VHF
Awards Manager for VUCC.

Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL
web page, for exam information.
You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register
your exam.  Instructors can also register classes there.

As space allows I will enjoy relaying any events or occurrences, which
illustrate Amateur Radio as a hobby and public asset. It need not be a
newsletter, if you think it important, it probably should be here.

You should also send your newsletter to the Affiliated Club Coordinator
( and the Director ( vice director
( and to ARRL HQ (

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of January 2013


>> SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of January 2013: SM

Here we go!

The year 2013 is off and running. Time to plan our events, contests
and programs. This is where your Club becomes the way to organize.
The structure is there. Defining your goals well in advance allows all
your members to align with each other and enjoy the best possible
experience. Those clubs that plan for the up coming year find they are
better able to span the trying times that are always with us.

The Field Day packets are available for June. There is one rule change
for 2013. Contest calendars are everywhere. There are over 400
contests each year. Planning your events will give you the option to
request Amateur Radio information from ARRL, as well as advice.

Some of the best contests are just around the corner. Plan now and
leave the contest to enjoy!

73; Dan AE6SX

* The ARRL filed a Petition for Rulemaking with the FCC, asking it to
amend Sections 2 and 97 of its rules and create a domestic Amateur
Radio allocation at 472-479 kHz, conforming to the allocation status
and limitations set forth in the international Radio Regulations and as
approved at the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference.
* The FCC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, seeking to give
primary status of the entire amateur portion of the 160 meter band to
the Amateur Radio Service. It also proposed a new LF amateur band at
135.7-137.8 kHz.
* A video and a web page to introduce the ARRL’s Evolution of Amateur
Radio exhibit.
* A New Book on Handheld Transceivers and the 2012 Periodicals DVD are
now available.
* 2012 Marks All-Time High for Amateur Radio Licenses
* January 27, it will cost more to mail first class letters, postcards
and packages within the US. The cost to mail a first class letter is 46
cents, while the cost to mail a postcard is 33 cents, an increase of 1
cent for each; this is the third increase for postcard postage in less
than two years. IRCs are no longer being sold by the USPS.
* BSA to Offer Amateur Radio Operator Rating Strip to be worn on
uniforms signifying Licensed Amateur Radio Operators.


February 9-10 CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest
February 11-15 School Club Roundup
February 16-17 ARRL International DX Contest – CW
February 22-24 CQ WW 160 M SSB Contest
March 2-3 ARRL International DX Contest – Phone
March 30-31 CQ WW WPX Phone

Mark your Calendars: ARRL Arizona State Convention, Yuma, Arizona
February 15-16, 2013. For details go to
The annual M Squared Open House is scheduled 16 March. For more
details contact Radiofest Monterey Bay – March 23rd,
2013. For more information go to The 64th Annual
International DX Convention sponsored by the Northern California DX
Club will be held at the Visalia Conference Center in downtown Visalia,
California from April 19-21, 2013. See for the
latest information. EMCOMM West for 2013 has been cancelled. PACIFICON
2013 is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara Marriott.
See for information.

CLOVIS ARP ++ Mike, W6YDE, gave a demonstration on his method of
soldering coax connectors. Rob AE6GE brought good expectations to the
meeting after operating the VHF contest.

FRESNO ARC ++ Rob AE6GE and Pat W6YEP collaborate on the VHF contest.
New CW android app is mentioned. Vintage link to an MGM youtube on Ham

SEQUOIA ARG ++ Officers for 2013: Pres – Pete W6SV, VP – Donna WA6FUN,
Sec. – Marty KC6RIZ and Treas. – Jane KA6CZS. Great article on SPAM and

SIERRA ARC ++ Hal, N6HAL lays out the projects in the near future.
Good discussion of ARES/RACES collaboration and linked communications
in East Kern County.

STOCKTON Delta ++ Club officers 2013: Pres. – WB6NVB, Charlie, VP –
N6KZW, Paul, Treas. – KD6CPA, Peter and Sec. – W6INP, Eric.
Young hams are pictured operating and good Elmering described. Very
active calendar announced.

TURLOCK ARC ++ Field Day is again at Lake McSwain! Planning now
advancing at full speed, frequency details will be examined at their
next meeting. Good article on the New York City permit tower battle.

Central California DX Club ++ 2013 officers are pres KB6DI, 1st vp
WA5VGI, s/t W6DPD, dirs K6XJ, NA6G, and N2NS. For information check The club meets quarterly at Apple Annie’s in Tulare
and supports some DXpeditions and ARRL DX Contest plaques. The club
has a breakfast meeting on Saturday morning of the DX Convention at
Apple Annie’s in Tulare.

The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Cass
WA6IMN, Ron KE6KJB, Betty KF6PVO, and Rube ex-K6RCW. They will be

Traffic for January 2013:
ORS: W6DPD 0, WS6P 355, K6RAU 15, W6SX 19 Total 389
PSHR: WS6P 165, W6SX 44, K6RAU 73 Total 282

CTN (Calif Traffic Net)
–JAN 2013: See Sacramento Valley Section]

The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of
Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or
near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time.
San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time.
The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local
The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time
on 3.975 MHZ.
Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly
on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time.
Western Public Service System (WPS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll – at
7:30 PM local Pacific Time.
The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local
Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of
NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic
on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills.
The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL
100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737

The K6RAU (our Section Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course
is available at or
No need to know a “dit” from a “dah”, simply with paper and pencil, and
following the instructions.

Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards
within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC
in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may
now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945 to the present. K6ZZ can
check cards for 160 meters. DXCC card checkers may, at their
discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ can
check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The card
checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award. ARRL
Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and a VHF
Awards Manager for VUCC.

Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL
web page, for exam information.
You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register
your exam. Instructors can also register classes there.

As space allows I will enjoy relaying any events or occurrences, which
illustrate Amateur Radio as a hobby and public asset. It need not be a
newsletter, if you think it important, it probably should be here.

You should also send your newsletter to the Affiliated Club Coordinator
( and the Director ( vice director
( and to ARRL HQ (

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX




By David Coursey, N5FDL

All ARES/RACES/ACS operators should take ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, ICS-800, and the new ICS-802 course that describes the communication functions in the National Response Framework. Many of us should probably retake the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses that were updated last summer. The ICS-802 course is new as of last August, so it is new to almost everyone.
If the course allows you to download the final exam questions, please do so. I will be much easier to follow the course and pass the exam, as the questions are sometimes unclear.
Emergency Management Institute

PT, KG6FEY, Emergency Coordinator
