Successful VE Session in West Point


Congratulations to both candidates in this morning’s VE session at the West Point Veteran’s Memorial Building.

Scott Jensen from River Pines achieving his Technician license

Scott Jensen from River Pines earned his Technician license

Mike Axiak upgraded to Extra

Mike Axiak upgraded to Extra Class

Well done, gentlemen!





Below is a picture of a visor and two samples of what we can put onto the brim. There are other colors and types of visors. If you go to gateway press (on-line) you can look at other colors. Walt at gateway seemed to feel that this particular visor would be large enough to add the graphic, but there are other visors.

Click on items below to see them.

Visor Calaveras Amateur Radio PROOF

Visor Estimate


SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of June 2014




June is in the books. We are now looking forward to the Centennial

celebrations in July. There were many events for radio participation.

The first weekend in June had the museum ship weekend and S. J. V. has

an ocean going mines sweeper that is being restored in Stockton by the

Stockton Delta ARC.


Then the VHF contest was well attended. Rovers and portable operations

where both on the air. The contest included an opening in the 6 m band.


Last, and my favorite, was Field Day. It was a little warm for my

taste, however all the sites I visited and a great time. All were

highlighted with great food in quantity and GOTA stations punctuated

with warm smiles and time comfortable surroundings. Some had air

conditioning, some did not but all were having fun.


I will be posting pictures from a different field day sites on the

section Page.


It looks like the 100 years of ARRL will be well celebrated in

Hartford. I hope you have a chance to attend. However Pacificon will

be carrying the flag as a regional Centennial convention. So if you

miss CT, please join us in Santa Clara for the October convention.





Dan Pruitt, AE6SX


NEWS: From ARRL newsletters. Read complete articles from June to now.

++ 06/10/2014 | FCC Okays Changes to Amateur Radio Exam Credit, Test

Administration, Emission Type Rules The FCC has adopted several changes

to the Amateur Service Part 97 rules.

++ 06/12/2014 | World Cup Special Event Stations, Prefixes On the Air

until July 30

Special event stations and prefixes are on the air from Brazil to mark

the World Cup competition now underway.

++ 06/16/2014 | Amateur Radio Role on Space Station Featured at ISS

Research and Development Conference The third annual ISS Research and

Development Conference this week will include a presentation on Amateur

Radio on the International Space Station program.

++ 06/17/2014 | Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW, Named as ARRL Contest Branch

Manager Matt Wilhelm, W1MSW, has been named to head the Contest Branch at ARRL HQ.

++ 06/18/2014 | Centennial Convention Friday/Saturday Forums Feature

Notable Speakers, Intriguing Topics The ARRL National Centennial

Convention forums on Friday and Saturday will highlight notable

speakers and an array of intriguing topics.

++ 06/18/2014 | New ARRL Technician Instructor E-Manual Now Available

for Download A new ARRL Technician Instructor Manual now is available

for free download by ARRL registered instructors.

++ 06/20/2014 | Toward a Perfect Field Day Experience and planning

will keep your Field Day operation running smooth.


++ 06/23/2014 | States, Counties, Communities Recognize the Value of

Amateur Radio States, counties, and communities across the US have formally recognized the value of Amateur Radio.

++ 06/24/2014 | Full Schedule of Youth Activities Featured at ARRL

National Centennial Convention The ARRL National Centennial Convention

in July will include a full schedule of youth-oriented activities.

++ 06/26/2014 | House Bill Would Require FCC to Extend PRB-1 Coverage

to Restrictive Covenants   A US House bill would require the FCC to

extend PRB-1 coverage to restrictive covenants.

++ 07/01/2014 | ARRL-Sponsored 600 Meter Experiment Approaches 170,000

Hours of Operation   The ARRL-sponsored WD2XSH 600 meter experiment

approaches 170,000 hours of operation.

++ 07/01/2014 | NASA Astronaut’s ISS Field Day Operation Puts Smiles

on Several Faces NASA Astronaut Reid Wiseman, KF5LKT, got on the air

from NA1SS on the ISS for Field Day.

++ N2NS Bob operated in the VHF contest multi-Op, high-power, on 6 m.

Total score 2,280

++ K6AAB Steve operated all of Asia CW and low power. Raw score


++ KI6QEL Duane, took his Buddi-pole to the beach. His intentions

were to work NVIS back into SJV. Instead on Saturday afternoon he made

contacts on 15m to Greece, Hungary (new country for him), Venezuela,

Japan, Ohio, Florida, Utah (W1AW/7), and Wisconsin (W1AW/9). He says,

“Good enough, hi”

++ K6XJ, W6XK, and W6DPD are making JT65 contacts on 6 M.





+ FISTS Summer Sprint 0000Z-0400Z, Jul 12

+ IARU HF World Championship 1200Z, Jul 12 to 1200Z, Jul 13

+ CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush 2000Z-2159Z, Jul 13

+ WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone 1000Z-1400Z, Jul 14

+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Jul 16 and 1900Z-2000Z, Jul 16 and

the0300Z-0400Z, Jul 17

+ RSGB 80m Club Championship, SSB 1900Z-2030Z, Jul 16

+ VK/Trans-Tasman Contest, Multi-Mode 0800Z-1400Z, Jul 19

+ DMC RTTY Contest 1200Z, Jul 19 to 1200Z, Jul 20

+ CQ Worldwide VHF Contest 1800Z, Jul 19 to 2100Z, Jul 20

+ North American QSO Party, RTTY 1800Z, Jul 19 to 0559Z, Jul 20

+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Jul 23 and 1900Z-2000Z, Jul 23 and

0300Z-0400Z, Jul 24

+ RSGB IOTA Contest 1200Z, Jul 26 to 1200Z, Jul 27

+ County Hunters CW Contest 1400Z-2400Z, Jul 26 and 1400Z-2400Z, Jul


+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Jul 30 and 1900Z-2000Z, Jul 30 and

0300Z-0400Z, Jul 31


August 2014


+ 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB 0001Z, Aug 2 to 2359Z, Aug 3

+ European HF Championship 1200Z-2359Z, Aug 2

+ North American QSO Party, CW 1800Z, Aug 2 to 0559Z, Aug 3

+ ARRL August UHF Contest 1800Z, Aug 2 to 1800Z, Aug 3

+ SARL HF Phone Contest 1300Z-1630Z, Aug 3






FRESNO ARC++   WA6FFJ Joe announced the next program will be “the

secrets of the sun and understanding the numbers and propagation”.

W6DPD, Charles has latest DX information. Reprint of an article on the

first IC going to auction at 1 to 2 Million dollars. Pictures of the

W6TO Field Day.


Lodi ARC ++   Jason , KE5JTS, Pres, Bob , K6DGQ, VP, Jim , WB6BET, Sec

and Doug, KA6MEL, Treas. Reported the 2 meter net Average 23

check-in’s. Field Day set up was Friday. Antennas were triband yagi

on a boom truck and a 5 band N6BT remote switched dipole. Good contacts

on 40 Meters but they say a dedicated 40/80 Antenna is needed. Eric,

KD6MOO, showed a few of us how to install the crimp coax connectors to

create a missing jumper. Operating 6A (phone, CW & RTTY) we covered

the bands. Bob, KE6EAN, even made 1 contact on 6 meters.


SEQUOIA ARG ++ Pete, W6SV, reports a heart felt acknowledgment of the

club members challenges! Also the reprint of a story regarding the

possible causes of lightning. Still all plans for Field Day remained



STOCKTON DELTA ARC ++ What can I paraphrase, not much. Stockton-Delta

participated in every event they could in June. They even took a shift

at W1AW/7. Museum Ship weekend, VHF contest, a bike ride and Field

Day. Go to the website and download their “Flysheet”. Very worth

your while.


TURLOCK ARC ++ Starting with an Ice Cream Social, then the Canyon

Classic bike ride and finishing with Field day. One of the best

organized clubs, download their “Arc-over” for all the details.


The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Cliff

N6ZU, Roy W6WZM, Mildred WY6Y and James N6WT. They will be missed.


Traffic for May 2014:

ORS: W6SX 3, WA6IAF 393, WS6P 1592, K6RAU 16 Total 2004

PSHR: W6SX 26, WA6IAF 90, WS6P 140, K6RAU 70


Mark your Calendars:     46th MARAC national convention (Mobile Amateur

Radio) July 9, 2014 in Visalia, CA. See for particulars.

ARRL Centennial Convention, The National Convention is July 17 – 19,

2014. For details for the 100-year celebration, go to Eighth Annual Sacramento Valley Hamfest

September 6, 2014 in Lincoln, CA. For details check out Western Placer

Amateur Radio Club,   Pacificon 2014/Regional ARRL

Centennial Convention is 10 through 14 October 2014. Details at The 2015 International DX Convention is April 17

to 19, 2015, in Visalia CA. Check for information.



ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section

Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX


