06/21/2013 The ARRL Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce the scholarship recipients for 2013 with 7 of those being California Residents. One recipient was Joy Mellora, KI6AJC, of West Point CA in Calaveras County. Congratulations!!
from ARRL
Objective: To work as many amateur stations in as many 2 degrees by 1 degrees grid squares as possible using authorized amateur frequencies above 222 MHz and all authorized modes of emission.
Date and Contest Period: First full weekend of August. Begins 1800 UTC Saturday, ends 1800 UTC Sunday (August 3-4, 2013). Entrants may use as much of this time as they wish.
SM Dan Pruitt, AE6SX- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC KF6FIR, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC K6QI, TC W6TE. Hello Radio! June was a very busy month for Ham Radio. First the Museum Ship Weekend, then VHF Contest, various other contests all this while you got ready for Field Day! A lot of work, but fun and naturally it is quite gratifying when all the efforts come together. It was my pleasure to visit a number of Field Day sites in the Southern San Joaquin. I would say that “Public Access” was a prerequisite at most sites. I saw some new and younger faces, GOTA operations and some very cozy layouts. One Club was surrounded by Girl Scouts! They had never seen Ham Radio in operation, so a demonstration was gladly provided. The universal component for every place I visited was just having fun. I posted a few photos from my travels on the Section Page. Well done San Joaquin. 73; Dan AE6SX NEWS: 06/04/2013 ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X, has accepted the position of ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager. Mike Christopher, NT1A takes over as the Contest Branch Manager. 06/10/2013 The ARRL DXCC desk has announced that it has approved DXCC credit for the May 2013 VU7KV operation from Lakshadweep Islands. 06/10/2013 Several videos of Contest University 2013 sessions from the 2013 Dayton Hamvention now are available on You Tube. 06/11/2013 Kids Day was Saturday, June 15. Sponsored by the Boring (OR) Amateur Radio Club, Kids Day is the perfect way to introduce a young person to the magic of Amateur Radio. 06/19/2013 A new version of Trusted QSL (TQSL) software for Logbook of The World (LoTW) is available to users. TQSL v. 1.14.1 may be downloaded from the LoTW page. 06/21/2013 E-mail service to and from ARRL Headquarters has been restored. However, it may take some time for staff to respond to the thousands of messages that have accumulated during the outage. If you have received a message indicating that your original e-mail message was undeliverable, please re-send. We apologize for the inconvenience. 06/21/2013 The ARRL Foundation Board of Directors is pleased to announce the scholarship recipients for 2013 with 7 of those being California Residents. One recipient was Joy Mellora, KI6AJC, of West Point CA in Calaveras County. Congratulations!! 06/24/2013 ARRL Life Member and Public Relations Committee Member Don Carlson, KQ6FM, of Sparks, Nevada, died June 21, of complications related to pancreatic cancer. 06/25/2013 FAA regulations let you travel with dry cells in either your carry-on or checked baggage, but prohibit loose lithium batteries in checked baggage. But what about rechargeables in carry-on luggage? Look up the details! 06/28/2013 It has been reported by several members that someone posing as “Arrl.net Online Services” is attempting to convince members to provide personal information. These e-mails ask the user for his or her username and password. Please be advised that these e-mails are not from the ARRL. 06/28/2013 The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program hopes that an Amateur Radio digital TV system will be up and running aboard the International Space Station by later this year. 06/30/2013 The Wake Atoll 2013 Commemorative DXpedition team reports that preparations for its planned K9W operation this fall are “progressing nicely.” Contests: July 2013 IARU HF World Championship 1200Z, Jul 13 to 1200Z, Jul 14 CQ Worldwide VHF Contest. 1800Z July 20 to 2100Z July 21 North American QSO Party RTTY 1800Z July 20 to 0600Z July 21 RSGB IOTA Centenary Contest 1200Z July 27 to 1200Z July 28 August 2013 North American QSO Party, CW 1800Z, Aug 3 to 0559Z, Aug 4 ARRL August UHF Contest 1800Z, Aug 3 to 1800Z, Aug 4 North American QSO Party PH 1800Z Aug 17 to 0559Z Aug 18 ARRL 10 GHZ and UP 0600Z Aug 17 to 000Z Aug 18 FRESNO ARC ++ Next meeting's program is on Bob Stroup, K6UGM, who will display the most comprehensive collection of keys in this part of the world. FD was great fun and many pictures are on the website and “Skip”. Ron, N6MTS, has an extensive report on Field Day. www.w6to.com/ LOS BANOS ARC ++ Almost 5 pages of Field Day pictures are in “Frequency”. Great shots the young Hams there also. www.aa6lb.org SEQUOIA ARG ++ .Al Price (N6ALP) is the proud owner of a whale of an antenna and tower. Pete W6SV, talks about the photos of events that are posted on the website. www.n6krv.org SIERRA ARC ++ The club operated as N6N 4A ORG, on Field Day. Preliminary results are 1230 points. www.qsl.net/wa6ybn/ STOCKTON Delta ++ June 1 and 2, about 15 hams boarded the USS Lucid to participate in the Museum Ship’s Weekend. A very informative article regarding “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC”, handled BY KD6CPA www.w6sf.org TURLOCK ARC ++ Pres Darren, K6RDJ, writes a nice article about June and up and coming events. Field Day pictures are in the newsletter. Grady K6IXA, offers a link to someone using his RMSmail system, as they go 'round the world www.norvikinfo.com/?. www.w6bxn.org The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Jim KD6TDD, Mark N6ICM, and Mark KK6BIL. They will be missed. Traffic for JUNE 2013: ORS: WS6P 377, K6RAU 18, W6SX 0 Total 395 PSHR: WS6P 150, W6SX 22, K6RAU 71 Mark your Calendars: PACIFIC NORTHWEST DX Convention is scheduled for 2 August 2013, in Spokane Valley, WA. See www.pnwdx.org for details. PACIFICON 2013 is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara Marriott. See www.pacificon.org for information. The 2014 International DX Convention will be April 4-6, 2014, at the Visalia Convention Center. Check www.dxconvention.org for information. Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL web page, www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register your exam. Instructors can also register classes there. Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945, including Deleted DXCC Entities. K6ZZ can now check 160 Meter Cards. DXCC card checkers may, at their discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ can check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The card checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award. ARRL Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and a VHF Awards Manager for VUCC. The K6RAU (our Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course is available at www.pdarrl.org/K6RAU or www.pdarrl.org/k6rau. No need to know a "dit" from a "dah", simply with paper and pencil, and following the instructions. Elmering: Guy W6MSU's Elmer talk group is at W6SF@yahoogroups.com San Joaquin Valley Nets: The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local time. The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time on 3.975 MHZ. Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time. Western Public Service System (WPSS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll - at 7:30 PM local Pacific Time. The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local time. Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL 100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX ae6sx@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
Saturday (6-29-13) was hot and windy in the afternoon when I heard a call-out for a grass fire at Farris Rd and Rex Road. Lots of equipment and air resources were quick to knock it down and contain it to 11.5 acres. Thanks to the brave and efficient CalFire personnel!
The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club will again participate in this year's Museum Ships Weekend. June 1-2, 2013. Our call sign, KK5W will be credited as a contact with both WW II Submarine USS Cavalla and Destroyer Escort USS Stewart. representing the USS Cavalla and USS Stewart. Visit our web page for more information, www.bvarcmswe.org. We will be operating from, Seawolf Park in Galveston, Texas, NA-143. WE will have four stations set up, two located in the park, aboard the Cavalla and aboard the Stewart. Weather permitting these stations will be on the air continuously. We need operators. Amateur radio operators in the Galveston - Houston area are cordially invited to participate. You can sign up on the web page if you would like to operate KK5W during the event at Seawolf Park. Frequencies as follows: SSB 7.260 MKHz 14.260 MHz 21.360 MHz 28.360 MHz CW 7.039 Mhz 14,039 MHz 21.039 KHz 28,039 KHz Operation on OSCAR satellites is planned for daytime passes on Saturday, June 1. KK5W will host two VHF Nets for Houston-Galveston amateurs to contact the local museum ships using the WA5CYI repeater 146.94 (-) PL 167.9 on Saturday and Sunday from 11AM - 1 PM Local time. We are anticipating the USS Texas (NA5DV), Elissa (N5E), and the Grandcamp/High Flyer Memorial (AC0TX) will be on the net. A balloon launch is scheduled for Saturday morning, APRS trackers will use N5BPS (the Cavalla's wartime call sign was NBPS). Once again, we will be offering the Texas Navy Award. This year's Texas Navy Fleet is expanded to include: USS Cavalla and USS Stewart - KK5W USS Texas - NA5DV Tall Ship Elissa - N5E USS Lexington - W5LEX SS High Flyer and SS Grandcamp Memorial - AC0TX National Museum of the Pacific War - N5P For KK5W and AC0TX, one contact counts for both ships. Provide evidence of two way communication (log extract) with at least four of the call signs during MSWE 2013 to earn the 2013 Texas Navy Certificate. Work all six to earn the coveted "Clean Sweep" endorsement. 73, Ron, K5HM Event Coordinator k5hm.ron@gmail.com www.qrz.com/db/k5hm
SM Dan Pruitt, AE6SX- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC KF6FIR, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC K6QI, TC W6TE. Time for planning the fun, food and frequencies for Field Day. April is gone, May is in full swing and the temperature is still quite comfortable. It seems we always plan our Antenna work and Field Day about the same time. Maybe to knock the dust off the stored equipment from last year. I think it is our nature to improve over and above last year. A good antenna always goes a long way. Get out and work while the temperature is right. If you do not have your contacts in place for your bonus points for Field Day, time is a wasting. The Political and Government officials are always scheduling 90 days ahead. Put your story together for the press and media. Make sure to line up the youth for your GOTA Station too. Enjoy the planning, add food, good equipment and a good place to operate, add some contacts, and you will have a great time. 73; Dan AE6SX NEWS: 04/10/2013 | Applications for Teachers Institute, ETP Grants Due in May 04/20/2013 | Chinese Amateurs Assist in Earthquake Aftermath 04/19/2013 | Surfin’: Wire in the Spring, outdoor maintenance -- with wire antennas in mind. 04/16/2013 | Radio Amateurs Provide Communication Support in Boston Marathon Bombings 04/22/2013 | Seattle Will Host the 32nd (TAPR) Digital Communications Conference 04/23/2013 | Changes to FCC Radiotelegraph Operator Certificates Coming May 20 05/01/2013 | Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Scheduled for May 11 W6TV placed #1 in September VHF Contest W6SX placed #1 in 160 Meter contest WC6H placed #1 in November Sweepstakes -Phone Contests: May 2013 + Armed Forces Crossband Test 1400Z, May 11 to 0300Z, May 12 + HPC World Wide DX Contest 1200Z, May 11 to 1159Z, May 12 + CQ-M International DX Contest 1200Z, May 11 to 1159Z, May 12 + VOLTA WW RTTY Contest 1200Z, May 11 to 1200Z, May 12 + Nevada Mustang Roundup 1700Z, May 11 to 1700Z, May 12 + CQ WW WPX Contest, CW 0000Z, May 25 to 2359Z, May 26 June 2013 + 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest 0000Z, Jun 1 to 2400Z, Jun 2 + Maritimes QSO Party 1200Z-2400Z, Jun 1 + SEANET Contest 1200Z, Jun 1 to 1200Z, Jun 2 + Alabama QSO Party 1600Z, Jun 1 to 0400Z, Jun 2 CLOVIS ARP ++ The Clovis group will be doing communications for the California Classic Century Bike Ride, 18 May. The May meeting will be a “how to” on Fox Hunting by Rob AE6GE. www.k6arp.org/ FRESNO ARC ++ “Skip” includes pictures and reports from the DX Convention in Visailia. Paul W6VPS continues his journal on refurbishing his Mosley Beam and adding 12 & 17 Meter elements. Also pictures and comments from the M Squared Open House showing owners Mike Staal, K6MYC, and the team. www.w6to.com/ LOS BANOS ARC ++ Dr. Joe will be presenting at the 11 May meeting. His topic will be his operating aboard a Submarine during WWII. Time is 7 PM at the Police Annex building. SEQUOIA ARG ++ Nice article in the “Voice” of the awarding of the Amateur Radio Rating Badge to a young Boy Scout. Pete W6SV, praises the guests from Bakersfield at a recent club function. I am thrilled about hearing of collaborative events like these. The other colorful articles are worth the reading. www.n6krv.org SIERRA ARC ++ Hal N6HAL describes many good Emcomm practices and public service events. The Club is very good at working with other clubs and groups in the area. A very well rounded example of cooperation with the local CERT members. www.qsl.net/wa6ybn/ STANISLAUS ARC ++ SARA Quarterly spells out the public service events. Registration for FEMA training courses offered by the ARES group. Joe WB6AGR offers 2 links regarding videos on “Situational Awareness” http://freedv.org/tiki-index.php?page=video and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCmE_vvHeqw . . www.saraclub.net STOCKTON Delta ++ Charlie WB6NVB and Fred WB6ASU are preparing an ATV presentation. The club is very involved in a multitude of public service events. The Club is activating the minesweeper USS Intrepid for the June 1 Museum Ship Weekend. . www.w6sf.org TURLOCK ARC ++ Amateur Radio & Velveeta Cheese link: http://youtu.be/aTeAtPFEuyc depicting Ham Radio in the add. Grady, K6IXA, said a new diagram of the repeater system has been created and placed on the club's web page. Grady also said a new satellite receiver has been put in place in Modesto and one will soon be going into place in Atwater and Fresno. Plans for Field Day seem to be in place. A reprint of the ARES participation in the Boston Marathon Bombing was very informative. www.w6bxn.org The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Edd, K6LSB and John, AE6QR. They will be missed. Traffic for February 2013: ORS: WS6P 136, K6RAU 13, W6SX 1 Total 150 PSHR: WS6P 202, W6SX 22, K6RAU 70 Mark your Calendars: May 17-19 -- Dayton Hamvention, Trotwood, Ohio. For more information see hamvention.org. SEA-PACK 31 May through 2 June 2013 Seaside, OR. Check the details at www.seapac.org/ . ARRL Field Day is June 22-23, 2013. You can down load the FD Packet from ARRL. PACIFICON 2013 is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara Marriott. See www.pacificon.org for information. Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL web page, www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml for exam information. You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register your exam. Instructors can also register classes there. Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945, including Deleted DXCC Entities. K6ZZ can now check 160 Meter Cards. DXCC card checkers may, at their discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ can check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The card checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award. ARRL Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and a VHF Awards Manager for VUCC. The K6RAU (our Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course is available at www.pdarrl.org/K6RAU or www.pdarrl.org/k6rau. No need to know a "dit" from a "dah", simply with paper and pencil, and following the instructions. Elmering: Guy W6MSU's Elmer talk group is at W6SF@yahoogroups.com San Joaquin Valley Nets: The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of messages. Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time. The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local time. The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time on 3.975 MHZ. Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time. Western Public Service System (WPSS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll - at 7:30 PM local Pacific Time. The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local time. Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL 100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX ae6sx@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello All;
Public Service events are in full swing. Charity events and spring
celebrations in the form of bike rides, Marathons, picnics, parades and
carnivals are worthy of community support. They also offer good
opportunities for training in safety and security, also fun radio. I
recommend you plan ahead and choose the commitments you will enjoy
volunteering and gain the most benefit.
Some calendar items for April in SJV. I think it note worthy that the
annual Turlock Auction is on 13 April. Check out their website for
details www.w6bxn.org . Remember the International DX convention is
in Visalia starting 19 April. See all the happenings at:
www.dxconvention.com/ .
Last but not least, Field Day in June. You should have your plans so
you can post your site at ARRL.org and get your publicity going for the
Weather is nice so go play radio!
73; Dan AE6SX
* Montana Governor Signs Legislation to Protect Mobile Amateur Radio
Operations from Distracted Driving Regulations and giving Amateurs a
100-foot tower by right.
* Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, led a group of radio amateurs earlier this
month to Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky to test how APRS can be
used as a means to extend radio communications underground via
* 03/11/2013 | W1AW Announces 2013 Spring Operating Schedule
* Radio Before Radio – Article about the 1910 pamphlet “The Wireless
* Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig
Fugate, KK4INZ, met with ARRL leadership at FEMA Headquarters in
Washington, DC last month.
* 2013 World Amateur Radio Day — April 18 — Celebrates 100 Years of
Disaster Communications
21 Rookie Roundup – Phone
CLOVIS ARP ++ The Clovis club is taking the lead on 3 events in Fresno
County. Rob, AE6GE, will be doing a program of “Fox Hunting from the
fox’s point of view”. www.k6arp.org/
FRESNO ARC ++ Read about; “New Antenna material! Make antennas that
will float in the air and be invisible!” Paul, W6VPS, journaled his
antenna restoration. Pictures from the M Squared open house show food,
hams and swappers. If you like state of the art tech – check out the
insect transmit drone! www.w6to.com/
SEQUOIA ARG ++ This issue reports on a 15 year old from Sierra Leone
earning a trip to MIT. Some history: Hungry Gulch described. Pete
W6SV reminds us even the Tech Class can participate in the “Rookie
Round-up” by using 6 and 10 Meters in the contest. www.n6krv.org
SIERRA ARC ++ John, KJ6MQN will be talking on his work on the SDR
dongle radio featured in QST during the April Meeting. Elmer Says –
discusses measuring SWR accuracy. This month shows great pic of
Pan-Starr Comet. Hal, N6HAL, gives a tour of the Ridgecrest ARES/RACES
at PD and Mobile Command Center. www.qsl.net/wa6ybn/
STOCKTON Delta ++ Charlie WB6NVB is working with Fred Coe WB6ASU to put
on a demonstration of amateur television, when the ATV repeater is up
and operating. Charlie also put on a presentation on batteries, power
supplies, inverters and how they can be used. www.w6sf.org
TURLOCK ARC ++ Field Day Countdown, by Bob, WB3CDB, is a great
checklist for prepping for Field Day. Feed System Discussion By Larry,
K6IY, compares voltage and current fed antennas. Don’t forget the
Auction 13 April. www.w6bxn.org
The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Ed,
K6AHQ and Bill, KB6HRB. They will be missed.
Traffic for February 2013:
ORS: WS6P 315, K6RAU 15, W6SX 4 Total 334
PSHR: WS6P 175, W6SX 27, K6RAU 73
Mark your Calendars: The Turlock ARC Spring Auction is April 13, 2013,
at 9:00 AM, at the First United Methodist Church in Turlock. For
information check www.w6bxn.org. The 64th Annual International DX
Convention sponsored by the Northern California DX Club will be held at
the Visalia Conference Center in downtown Visalia, California from April
19-21, 2013. See www.dxconvention.com for the latest information. EMCOMM
West for 2013 has been postponed. ARRL Field Day is June 22-23, 2013.
You can down load the FD Packet from ARRL. PACIFICON 2013 is scheduled
for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara Marriott. See
www.pacificon.org for information.
Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL
web page, www.arrl.org/arrlvec/examsearch.phtml for exam information.
You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register
your exam. Instructors can also register classes there.
Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards
within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC
in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may
now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945, including Deleted DXCC
Entities. K6ZZ can now check 160 Meter Cards. DXCC card checkers may,
at their discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ
can check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The
card checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award.
ARRL Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and
a VHF Awards Manager for VUCC.
The K6RAU (our Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course is
available at www.pdarrl.org/K6RAU or www.pdarrl.org/k6rau.
No need to know a “dit” from a “dah”, simply with paper and pencil, and
following the instructions.
Elmering: Guy W6MSU’s Elmer talk group is at W6SF@yahoogroups.com
San Joaquin Valley Nets:
The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of
Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or
near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time.
The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local
The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time
on 3.975 MHZ.
Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly
on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time.
San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time.
Western Public Service System (WPSS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll –
at 7:30 PM local Pacific Time.
The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local
Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of
NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic
on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills.
The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL
100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737
ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX
CARS members,
A friends’ remembrance….by Greg Gran W6UQK
KD6WYV Dr Karoly (Charles) Szabo became a silent key (SK) March 27,
2013 at 94 years old. Charles was a long time member of CARS, Inc.
“I met him over 22 years ago & remember our first conversation vey well.
He was from Hungary and was a Communication Officer in the Hungarian
Service. He spoke several language’s & mentioned how they had a
communication site set up to listen in on information being sent to
Hitler during WW11. So, already knowing morse code, I encourage him to
join our radio club & I would elmer him.
After obtaining his General license he went on to get his Extra. To get
him on the air, we put up a J-pole , a 75-meter Dipole, & later with the
help from his neighbor we put up a large Rhombic. He was active on the
2-meter Monday nite Net, and 15 & 20-meters with schedules in South
America, Canada, and a daily weather report on 75-meters to the Calif
Weather Service.
Because of his importance of staying in contact with his native
Hungarian’s, he would come to my house, get on the computer and make
contacts with Hams in Hungary.
I was very proud to be his friend, and will always remember the wisdom
he gave to me.
Greg Gran W6UQK, Angels Camp
For those of you that did not see the article on “Radio Buffs Combine
Service with Fun” in the Union Democrat on March 1st (Community Section),
I am providing a copy of the text from this article written by Lenore
Rutherford in this email as an attachment.
The article includes interviews with CARS and TCARES…
CARS, Inc.
Radio Buffs Combine Service With Fun (w/pic by maggie of tuolumne county guy, and a submitted pic of the calaveras county tower)
The Union Democrat
Like many community organizations, amateur radio clubs have dual purposes — social and serious.
They link people around the world with an interest in radio communications for fun and to share information. At the same time, they are an integral part of a worldwide emergency team, providing back-up communications for county, state and federal agencies during severe emergencies.
“Our slogan is ‘When everything else fails, amateur radio is there,’” said John Davenport, public information officer for the Calaveras Amateur Radio Society, based in Angels Camp.
That group, which was founded as a small organization with a few dedicated enthusiasts about 50 years ago, has grown to a membership of about 100 people who maintain a national repeater called N5FRG on Fowler’s Peak in Calaveras County. A repeater relays radio signals.
The Calaveras club meets for breakfast at 9 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at the Murphys Hotel, and visitors are welcome. The club’s website is www.calaverasARS.org
Club members participate in several events throughout the year and are always available in emergencies to help relay information.
The Tuolumne County Amateur Radio Emergency Service also welcomes visitors. The club meets for breakfast at 9:30 a.m. the third Saturday of each month at the Pine Tree Restaurant on Hess Avenue off Mono Way. Its website is www.lodelink.com/tcares.
T.C.A.R.E.S. maintains five repeaters, because of the county’s rugged terrain, to enable emergency workers to communicate with each other in the backcountry, as well as to relay messages around the world.
“We have a lot of fun,” Phillip Fish, of Twain Harte, said, “but amateur radio operators have always had a serious purpose and still do.”
He said the practice of training ham radio operators began during World War I and grew during World War II, when there was a shortage of radio operators. The Federal Communications Commission made it possible for civilians to hone their skills and be licensed so there would always be a ready supply of operators available for national defense purposes.
“We still go out on field operations,” Fish said, “where we take radio equipment out into the countryside, operate without any power from PG&E and talk to people all around the world using homemade antennae constructed over a weekend.”
Fish said being an amateur radio operator is a lot of fun. “It’s not a hobby where you find many grouches,” he said. “We are definitely people who like people.” He said he particularly likes being able to chat with people from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. “But our primary function is to be there for emergencies, whether they are local or not.”
He said they have helped relay communication during many disasters, including Hurricane Katrina and the disasters in Haiti. And it helps locally when the radio operators can communicate with each other during snowstorms. “Last week, my wife was caught in Groveland during that big snowstorm, and we were able to help her avoid the worst areas and bypass the
areas that were jammed up with traffic,” he said.
Davenport said it’s a privilege to be a licensed amateur radio operator, and that privilege can be taken away for improper conduct on the air. He said one man recently had to pay a $16,000 fine for using the wrong frequency.
“There is a definite protocol, based mainly on courtesy,” he said. “If somebody starts using cuss words, a bunch of other amateurs will jump on them and tell them to knock it off. Eventually, someone will report it to the FCC.”
He said there are three levels of licensing, and each one requires passing a test. There are members of all ages, some as young as 10 years old. “They just have to be able to pass the test and understand all of the requirements,” he said. “There is even a Boy Scouts of America amateur radio badge.”
Every licensed amateur radio operator is eligible to apply for membership in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, which provides communications to public agencies when disaster strikes. Training may be required to fully participate in ARES.
Founded in 1952, the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service is another service provided by volunteer amateur radio operators during times of extraordinary need. The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides planning guidance and technical assistance, and the Federal Communications Commission regulates it.
Contact one of the local clubs for specific information.
Contact Lenore Rutherford at lrutherford@uniondemocrat.com or 588-4585.