SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of January 2016 SM Dan Pruitt, AE6SX- ASMs K6YK and N2NS, ACC W6DPD, SEC KF6FIR, OOC N1VM, STM K6RAU, PIC KJ6OUI, TC W6TE. Hello all; Pacificon! Hope to see you all there. … Continue reading


You’re Invited! ARRL Pacific Division Ham Radio Convention — October 14, 15 and 16, 2016
Pacificon 2015

Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016
Pacificon 2016

he ARRL Pacific Division and the Mt. Diablo Amateur Radio Club Present:

PACIFICON 2016 October 14, 15 and 16, 2016

• The ARRL Pacific Division Convention!
• One of the Largest West Coast Vendor Shows of Amateur Radio Gear!
• Outstanding Technical Forums!
• Sunday Swap Meet!
   And…Much, Much More!

Takes Place in San Ramon, California
San Ramon Marriott Hotel
2600 Bishop Drive
San Ramon, California, 94583

For Events, Schedules, Latest Updates, and Registration and Ticket Reservations go to
Youth 17 & under free • College students $5 • Advance registration closes October 3, 2016.

If Hotel lodging is needed:

To make Hotel reservations on-line and get the special Pacificon rate, CLICK HERE. Or, call the Marriott Hotel Reservations Desk at 1-800-228-9290, and ask for the Pacificon rate. The special rate will be available until the Pacificon block is sold out.

Unique Forums Programs:
Pacificon 2016 features a long list of great Forums, including presentations from some of the most well-known and respected names in Amateur Radio.

PACIFICON 2016 Events, Forum Topics, and Exhibits Include:
All-Day Antenna Seminar on Friday • Saturday Morning Breakfast with Gordon West • Outstanding Technical Forums • Large Vendor Show of Amateur Radio Gear – All 3 Days • Get-on-the-Air W1AW/6 Special Event Station • Special Public MDARC Meeting on Friday Evening

Saturday Evening Banquet with Guest Speaker, new ARRL CEO Tom Gallagher, NY2RF • Excellent QRP Program • Ham License Testing • One-Day Technician License Class Followed by License Testing • Gordon West Ham Instructor Academy • Kit Assembly/Soldering for Youth and Adults • Daily Radio Prize Drawings • Parachute Mobile Radio Transmissions • Wouff Hong Ceremony

Great Sunday Swap Meet  • Sunday Ham Radio 101/201 Seminar – What Every New Ham Needs to Know • Sunday Disaster Communications Workshop • Sunday Annual ARRL Pacific Division Forum • Sunday Emergency Communication Exam (EC-001)

Come and Experience the Many Facets of Ham Radio!

See Pacificon 2016 Introductory Video
Courtesy of Randy Hall, K7AGE

Pacificon Committee general inquiries- (925) 945-8007

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of June 2016

K6RAU, PIC vacant, TC W6TE.
Hello San Joaquin!
I apologize for being late,  I have been under the weather.  I think I
was having trouble dealing with the heat and air quality.  If I missed
anything, send me a heads up and I will get out an addition.

Some good news in the ARRL letters.  Some scary stuff also.  All the
disasters, all across the nation and the fires here in the valley. 
Worst case scenarios call to train in the digital realm, to get out of
a blacked out area.  This means any means at our disposal.  Once the
connection is established, the infrastructure will repair itself with
in hours.  So we must be ready to respond at a moments notice.  One
option is to apply for an Official Emergency Station (OES).  Ask the
Section Traffic Manager (STM) about how to do this.

Solar Data has really made DX operations difficult for most of us. 
Frequencies above 20 meters are near useless.  20 meters is fair to
good late in the day. It is an effort but worth it.

SUPPORT HR-1301 & S-1685 – 05.28.2016 | ARRL Reaches Agreement With
Community Associations Institute On Parity Act: .  We have to continue
the support for this legislation.

Rally in the Valley – 24 September.  This year will be held at the
Red Shield Corps of the Salvation Army, 1649 Las Vegas Street, Modesto
Ca.  95358.  This is the ARRL Section Hamfest for San Joaquin Valley. 
Please reserve this spot on your calendar.  We welcome all swap-meet
tailgaters.  An open invitation is extended to anyone with projects or
presentations for the event.


Dan Pruitt, AE6SX

NEWS: From ARRL newsletters.  Read complete articles from June to now.
 06/09/2016 | Now Shipping: Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio 2nd
 06/13/2016 | Polish DXer 3Z9DX Reported Ready to Return to North Korea
on a Moment’s Notice
 06/14/2016 | ARRL Now Offering New “Radio and Wireless Technology”
Patch Program for Girl 	Scouts
 06/15/2016 | “The Magic Band” Lives Up to its Name in ARRL June
VHF Contest
	Six meters sounded more like an HF band during the ARRL June VHF
Contest over the June 11-12 weekend. 
 06/15/2016 | Gear Up for ARRL Field Day with Official Merchandise
 06/16/2016 | STMSat-1 Youngsters Told: “Only Half of the CubeSats
Deployed into Space Work”
 06/17/2016 | FCC Transitioning to New Electronic Comment Filing System
 06/17/2016 | FCC Technological Advisory Council Initiates Noise Floor
 06/20/2016 | ARRL Programs and Services Committee Expresses
Appreciation, Support of NTS
 06/21/2016 | Field Day at All-Kids Special Event K1D Will Be a
Multimedia Event
 06/21/2016 | ARRL Executive Committee Removes NTS Eastern Area Chair,
Eastern Pennsylvania    Section Manager
 06/22/2016 | Amateur Radio Parity Act Set for House Energy and
Commerce Committee Markup
 06/22/2016 | FCC Says "No" to Lifetime Amateur Radio Licenses
 06/23/2016 | India Launches Amateur Radio Satellites
 06/24/2016 | Youth DX Adventure Team Headed to Saba in August
 06/27/2016 | Yaesu Musen Signs on as Prime Sponsor of WRTC 2018
 06/27/2016 | The 13 Colonies Special Event was on July 1	 
 06/27/2016 | Nepal Amateur Radio Earthquake Response Presentation
 06/28/2016 | ARRL to Sponsor 2016 Atlantic Season Hurricane Webinar	21
 06/30/2016 | FCC’s OET Clarifies Emissions Compliance Testing for RF
LED Lighting Devices
 07/05/2016 | IOTA Now Offering Online Contact Credits
 07/05/2016 | New Microwave, UHF Distance Records Set on Same Day
 07/05/2016 | Juno Spacecraft that Heard Hams Say “HI” Now Orbiting
 07/07/2016 | Amateur Electronic Supply Closing after 59 Years in
 07/07/2016 | Solar Power Systems Often Do Not Comply with EMC
Standards, VERON Says
 07/08/2016 | Solar Car Challenge W1N Traveling Special Event Operation
 07/12/2016 | ARRL CEO, Emergency Preparedness Manager Visit FEMA
 07/12/2016 | Amateur Radio Parity Act Draws Support in Opening
Statements of Delayed Hearing	 
 07/12/2016 | Ham Radio Outlet to Acquire Some AES Employees, Re-Open
Milwaukee Location as 	HRO Branch
 07/13/2016 | Sweden’s SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Station Receives
Nearly 300 Reports

July 2016

+ Russian Radio Team Championship	0700Z-1459Z, Jul 16
+ Trans-Tasman Low-Bands Challenge	0800Z-1400Z, Jul 16
+ DMC RTTY Contest	1200Z, Jul 16 to 1200Z, Jul 17
+ CQ Worldwide VHF Contest	1800Z, Jul 16 to 2100Z, Jul 17
+ North American QSO Party, RTTY	1800Z, Jul 16 to 0559Z, Jul 17
+ RSGB Low Power Contest	0900Z-1200Z and 1300Z-1600Z, Jul 17
+ Run for the Bacon QRP Contest	0100Z-0300Z, Jul 18
+ RSGB 80m Club Championship, Data	1900Z-2030Z, Jul 21
+ SKCC Sprint	0000Z-0200Z, Jul 27
+ RSGB IOTA Contest	1200Z, Jul 30 to 1200Z, Jul 31

August 2016

+ ARS Flight of the Bumblebees	1700Z-2100Z, Aug 1
+ NRAU 10m Activity Contest	1700Z-1800Z, Aug 4 (CW) and
  1800Z-1900Z, Aug 4 (SSB) and
  1900Z-2000Z, Aug 4 (FM) and
  2000Z-2100Z, Aug 4 (Dig)
+ TARA Grid Dip Shindig	0000Z-2400Z, Aug 6
+ 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB	0001Z, Aug 6 to 2359Z, Aug 7
+ European HF Championship	1200Z-2359Z, Aug 6
+ North American QSO Party, CW	1800Z, Aug 6 to 0559Z, Aug 7
+ August UHF Contest	1800Z, Aug 6 to 1800Z, Aug 7
+ SARL HF Phone Contest	1300Z-1630Z, Aug 7
+ RSGB 80m Club Sprint, CW	1900Z-2000Z, Aug 10
+ MMMonVHF/DUBUS 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest	2200Z, Aug 11 to
2200Z, Aug 13
+ WAE DX Contest, CW	0000Z, Aug 13 to 2359Z, Aug 14
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon	1200Z, Aug 13 to 2400Z, Aug 14
+ Maryland-DC QSO Party	1600Z, Aug 13 to 0400Z, Aug 14 and
  1600Z-2400Z, Aug 14
+ 50 MHz Fall Sprint	2300Z, Aug 13 to 0300Z, Aug 14


2016 ARRL RTTY Roundup: 1st WC6H, 2nd W6SX, and 3rd N2NS 
2016 ARRL DX CW 1st W6SX, 2nd N2NS, and 3rd K6YK


FRESNO ARC++ The July program consisted of a history of Heathkit
equipment presented by Ken, WA6OIB.  All members were encouraged to
bring their favorite.  As a bonus, home made Ice Cream was offered.  .

LOS BANOS ARC ++ Annual Field Day in the Park. Great pictures.

SEQUOIA ARG ++ Due to the fire near Lake Isabella Pete W6SV  Pres., is
canceling the July meeting.  .

STOCKTON DELTA ARC ++ A summary of events to cover the neglected
Flysheets of April through July.  April's meeting demonstrated a $50.00
headset.  Report of the “rained on Swap-meet”.  The April 9 Hamcram
test session used the Laurel VE software that gets a new licensee a
call with in 48 hours.  Charlie WB6NVB was elected to finish the
current term.  May meeting was called to order by V. P. Guy, W6MSU who
introduced the new area director for the American Red Cross.  The Red
Cross director gave a great presentation.  The June meeting focused on
Field Day preparations.  The operations were recorded in the Flysheet. 
New addition: a Port-a-Potty on site.

TULARE Co. ARC ++  A National Tribal Emergency Management Council will
be in September, in Lemoore.  There is talk of Kings and Tulare Clubs

TURLOCK ARC ++ . The July meetings were canceled.  The fall auction
looks to be a large one.

The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: 
.Gene, WB6SUP, and Claud, WB6SMV 

They will be missed.

Traffic for June 2016:
ORS:	W6SX	  6, WS6P 642, K6RAU 11 	TOTAL:  659 
PSHR:  W6SX 28,  WS6P 355, K6RAU 72
Mark your Calendars:   

08/05/2016 | Pacific Northwest DX Convention 
Location: Portland, OR
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Willamette Valley DX Club
09/17/2016 | Tenth Annual Sacramento Valley Hamfest 
Location: Lincoln, CA
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Western Placer Amateur Radio Club

09/24/2016 | San Joaquin Valley Section “Rally in the Valley”
Location: Modesto, CA
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Salvation Army SATERN

10/01/2016 | San Diego Ham Fest 
Location: Lakeside, CA
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Lakeside Amateur Radio Club
10/07/2016 | Pacific Northwest VHF Society Conference 
Location: Bend, OR
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Pacific Northwest VHF Society
10/14/2016 | Pacific Division Convention (PACIFICON) 
Location: San Ramon, CA
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club
10/15/2016 | Kingman Ham Fest 
Location: Kingman, AZ
Type: ARRL Hamfest
Sponsor: Mohave Amateur Radio Club

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX

Minutes, Agendas and Newsletters


Greetings, Members!

After receiving the hard copy archives from past Secretaries, I have filled in these documents as best as I can.  If anybody has access to any of the missing documents, I’d like to get a copy and post them.  See the current archive here:

CARS Meeting Minutes & Wavelength Newsletter

Thanks for any help you can provide!


73 de NV6V, Secretary CARS, Inc.
