Eruptive Flare/ Minor Radiation Storm


A long duration M-Flare reaching M6.3 was just observed around AR 3229 in the northwest quadrant. The event was responsible for a moderate (R2) radio blackout which would have mostly affected frequencies below 15 meters (21 MHz). Coronal dimming is clearly evident suggesting a coronal mass ejection (CME) will be associated. More details to follow. Stay tuned to for the most up to date information.

Information Courtesy of


Winter Field Day This Weekend January 28th & 29th


Winter Field Day (WFD), sponsored by the Winter Field Day Association, is coming again. This year, the dates are January 28 and 29. Radio clubs around the country are activating for this event. Complete rules can be found on the WFD website, at Home – Winter Field Day. Combining this with ARRL’s yearlong event, Volunteers On the Air, is a great way to make contacts that count for both activities and get new operators on the air.

WFD is a communications exercise and is held annually on the last full weekend in January. It can be worked from the comfort of your home or in a remote location. You can participate by yourself or get your friends, family, or whole club involved. WFD is open to participants worldwide. Amateur radio operators may use frequencies on the HF, VHF, or UHF bands, and are free to use any mode that can faithfully transmit the required exchange intact. Like the ARRL Field Day, bonus points are earned in several ways, including for using non-commercial power sources, operating from remote locations, making satellite contacts, and more.

The Winter Field Day Association passionately believes that ham radio operators should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments, as the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operational concerns. WFD is formatted to help increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions.

Text Courtesy of American Radio Relay League




Public Information Officer Bulletin from  M. Grcevich KB6USJ


Great News our Repeater is back on the air, here is the latest information

from Ken AE6LA on happenings

From Ken AE6LA, reporting on CARS repeater situation

including pictures.

Our CARS repeater is back up.  I’ve secured the South side mast that’s the remote base and replace the North side mast which was APRS with a push up mast and X-50.  This pushup was used here when we 1st moved here and had further service for us at the Summit site.  It’s experienced but not too sound.  I removed our antenna from the bent over North mast and move the piece with 2 uhf yagi across the spur road with the other damaged antenna (I think they are repairable.).  

We need to replace the North mast and antenna sometime soon

We’ll be counting on Knox to get us a good location on his replacement tower.

73, Ken – ae6la


ARRL Kids Day!


This weekend

Youthful voices will be in force on January 7th as Kids Day begins on a variety frequencies as well as HF, church groups, scouts, club stations grandpa’s or your own home QTH. Operate as much as you or as little as you would like, but if your a kid or a kid at heart get on the air and share a QSO.

Suggested Frequencies

10 meters 28.350 to 28.400 mhz, 12 meters 24.960 to 24.980, 15 meters 21.360 to 21.400, 17 meters 18.140 to 18.145, 20 meters 14.270 to 14.300, 40 meters 7.270 to 7.290, 80 meters 3.740 to 3.940

Information can also be found by clicking the Link below

The Yavapai Amateur Radio Club Youth Group Coordinator is asking for Amateurs to try to contact their Youth Group at the club station, W7YRC during youth day using the frequencies listed above. They will be on the air from 0900-1200(local) January 7th.
