Field Day June 24th and 25th


Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

To contact as many stations as possible on the 160-, 80-, 40-, 20-,15- and 10-Meter HF bands, as well as all bands 50 MHz and above, and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions.

Field Day is open to all amateurs in the areas covered by the ARRL/RAC Field Organizations and countries within IARU Region 2. DX stations residing in other regions may be contacted for credit, but are not eligible to submit entries.

Field Day is once again very near to get information on Rules and Participation click on the Link listed below


KB6USJ-11 On The Move


After being launched on May 20th the balloon took a Northerly track across the United States then turning slightly South over the Great Lakes to New York, leaving North America at St. John’s, New Foundland. An unusual weather system over the North Atlantic created a brisk Easterly wind which pushed back the forward progress of the balloon from Southern Ireland back to the North Atlantic. It languished in a slow area of wind for several days, then met a trough of wind which transported it to Iceland. Since Iceland it has continued on its journey in the last 72hrs traveling through Norway, Sweden and today Finland.

Daily Progress can be checked on

For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

John F. Kennedy

We choose to go to the Moon Speech

September 12th 1962




Contest Objective: For amateurs in the US and Canada (and their possessions) to work as many amateur stations in as many different 2 degrees x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. Stations outside the US & Canada (and their possessions) may only work stations in the US (and its possessions) and Canada.

Dates: The second full weekend in June. (June 10-12, 2023)

Contest Period: Begins 1800 UTC Saturday, ends 0259 UTC Monday.

Contest Rules are now maintained as a single downloadable document.

Click Here for Complete ARRL June VHF Contest Rules (PDF)

For contest information contact or (860) 594-0232

All legal modes are permitted. For Cabrillo file mode definitions, Digital modes should be represented as “DG” (for all things digital), SSB Phone as “PH”, FM voice as “FM”, and CW as “CW”.

Stations in KH0-9, KL7 & KP1-KP5, CY9 and CY0 count as W/VE stations and can be worked by DX stations for contest credit.

New For 2022:

Single Operator entrants can now enter in either All Mode (which includes all digital modes) or Analog-Only (CW/SSB/FM) subcategories. See the complete rules for more details.


Museum Ships Weekend


Museum Ships Weekend is not a contest, it’s a fun operating event so you don’t have to be a “contester” to come out and get on the air.  The event starts Friday, June 2nd at 5:00PM (0000Z June 3rd) and continues through Sunday. We will have 4 stations running all modes including SSB Voice, CW, and Digital (FT8 mostly) from any station.  If you’re a new ham or new to HF there will be plenty of “Elmering” on board to help you get on the air.  Since it’s not a contest, you can make contacts at your pace and learn a lot about HF operating.  Pretty much everything is there – bring your own headphones if you like.  Water and snacks will be available. Come for an hour – stay on board for the weekend.  Night shift operators are encouraged and needed!


The USS Lucid is an amazing piece of US History.  Built 70 years ago, the ocean going mine sweeper is the last of the “great Navy wood boats”.  Her motto:  “Wooden Ships and Iron Men”.  Even if you don’t want to get on the air and operate, you’re welcome to join us on the Lucid and tour her fascinating history.  

We will be on the air from Friday 5PM to Sunday Noon.  After that we will remove the radio’s and the antennas.  (Come back noon on Sunday and give us a hand with that!)

Questions?  call John NZ6Q 209-687-0774

Don’t miss this exciting on-the-air event!

Welcome Aboard the USS Lucid & 73,

John NZ6Q

You can find out more about Museum Ships Weekend on the Battleship New Jersey website here:

Article Courtesy of the Stockton Delta ARC Flysheet


KB6USJ To Join W6SF As High Altitude Balloons Circle The Earth


Enthusiasm abounds as members of Lodi Amateur Radio Club and Calaveras Amateur Radio Society, Tuolumne Amateur Radio Club ,the group also included members of families as well as students of Mt. Oaks Charter School Sonora, prepare for release of the Pico Balloon. The students over the past months have been learning about the history of radio technology, pico balloon science as well as the HAM radio hobby and what it takes to become a licensed radio amateur. Students were interested in the various facets of the hobby many thinking most amateurs just converse by voice on their radios, but got their beliefs updated on this fascinating activity of how these tiny balloon can transmit GPS and telemetry, about temperature and altitude as it orbits the earth.

Tucked away as seen in photo at right in the rear of the solar panel are messages and names of Students, from the school which will follow with the tiny balloon on its journey. Where will it finally land we do not know, but the dreams and hopes are tucked away as it flies over far away lands.

“The growth of our science and education will be enriched by our new knowledge of our universe and environment, by new techniques of learning and mapping and observation, by new tools and computers for industry, medicine, the home as well as the school”

John F. Kennedy

We choose to go to the Moon speech, September 12,1962


Mr. Frogs Wild Ride


If their are more photos from this event that members would like to share please email to we would love to see them.

On and off showers was the WX last Saturday, but it did not dampen the spirits of the cycling participants nor the volunteers of the radio club. How can you go wrong with an abnormally wet season that has made the hill sides a deep green and the streams and brooks flowing with abundant water, which has not been observed in years. Its a season for the frogs, an A+ was given out to the radio club volunteers from the event organizer for their efforts in providing information on progress of the cyclist and safety. Once the final reports are in we will have more to say about Mr. Frogs Wild Ride. As you must know it a tradition around these parts.
