Weather Spotters


We will be doing online weather spotter training this Thursday evening, starting at 6:30 pm. As the weather yesterday showed, the quiet summer weather has ended, with our severe weather/wet season starting.  This training is
optional, but if you need training/re-training you can sign up below.  If you know someone who is interested, please forward them the link.

It’s recommended to install the free Webinar software (provided through the link) before the meeting time, as it can take several minutes to download and set up.

Eric Kurth
NWS Sacramento

(  (


Rim Fire Follow-up


Good Afternoon,
I would like to take this opportunity to commend all  members of the  local TCARES Radio Club along with volunteers from the Calaveras Radio Club and the Amateur Radio Community who donated their time and equipment,   working with  County OES during the Rim Fire.

Here is a form which was submitted to the ARRL ( American Radio Relay league) Detailing  Amateur ( Ham) Radio Involvement.


Thank you to All
Carl Croci NI6Z
Tuolumne County ARES  EC.


The ARES E-Letter

******************************************** The ARES E-Letter Published by the American Radio Relay League ******************************************** September 18, 2013 Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE <> In This Issue: IN THIS ISSUE – Docket of Disaster – Major Conference in Michigan Involves Planning for Amateur Radio … Continue reading

CARS Meeting Agenda


Calaveras Amateur Radio  Society, Inc.
Bi-Monthly Meeting
Sept. 12, 2013 – 6:30 PM = Hall  open by 5:20 come early!
*   Welcome and Opening by  President, Ken Sanders –  Pledge –  Agenda

*   Program introduction by  Steve Airola, W6RXK  (open at this
*   Reading of minutes by  Secretary – Rob Sullivan, WB5FTF
a.    Jul. 11,  regular Bi-monthly meeting
b.       Secretary’s report
c.        Correspondence &  etc.
*   Treasurer’s Report – Bill  Holmes, K6DUY
a.       Financial  Report
b.       Financial business –  Membership update
c.        Correspondence &  etc.
*   Vice President’s Report –  Steve Airola, W6RXK
a.       Bi-monthly meeting program  schedule/suggestions
*   President & Repeater  Operator Report – Ken Sanders, AE6LA
a.       Fowler – 5.17, 4.39,  4.31
b.       Reba – 4.39, 441.0375
c.        Other Possible repeater  locations.
d.       Christmas Party @ AE6LA’s  December 1, 7 or 8 ?????
*   PIO, Grants, Breakfasts,  VE Committee Reports –
*   Web Master  – Andy Thomas,  NV6V
*   ARES/OES Committee Report  – PT Brown, KG6FEY; Sam, WS6P; Kit,
*   Monday night Net Manager  & NBEMS Report – Sam Hernandez, WS6P
*   Field Day June 28 -30,  2013  – Sam, WS6P
*   Picnic Committee – Tim  Cody, KD6NRB  Date – September 7,  2013
*   Repeater Committee – Rob  Sullivan, Ken Sanders
*   VE Coordinator – Susan  LaDuke
*   Old Business
*   New Business
*   Nominations for  President, PIO, & Secretary – Full two year  terms
*   October  electronic balloting ending Nov.  15

*   Event Calendar: Monthly  Breakfast Saturday, Oct. 5, 2013,  9 AM,
Murphys Hotel; VE Session Oct. 19  in Murphys; Bi-monthly business  meeting
Nov 14, 2013, 6:30 at IOOF Hall in Angels, Christmas Party at AE6LA’s  Dec.
?, 2 to 5 PM.
*   Final Comments &  Adjournment
