Mr. Frog’s Wild Ride


April 14, 2018
The Calaveras Amateur Radio Society provided communications for the Mr. Frogs
Wild Ride. The ride consisted of a 50K and 100K rides along the highway 4
corridor of Calaveras County. 11 CARS members were stationed at Feeney Park,
Angles Camp, Vallecito and other various locations, plus supported two SAG
vehicles. The Mr. Frog Wild Ride coordinators provided chicken in the barrel lunch
as a thank you for our support. I would like to thank N6AXQ-Mike, KM6ELF-Dee,
NV6V-Andy, KK6GIX-Eileen, KM6AXJ-Joshua, KM6AXL-David, KI6OBE-Kathy,
WA6AVR-Jerry, AE6LA-Ken and WA6ZTY-Mike for their support and
Sam – WS6P
Emergency Coordinator
Calaveras County

As reported on Monday night’s net the event was again successful, with a full complement of radio operators.  CARS participants planning to discuss further improvements to support communications next year.


National Preparedness System Independent Study Program Courses


Forwarded by PT BROWN, KG6FEY,  from FEMA

 Release of National Preparedness System Independent Study Program Courses

FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute, in coordination with the National Integration Center, has released revised Independent Study courses for the National Preparedness Goal and National Planning Frameworks. These courses introduce participants to the concept and principles of the Goal and Frameworks. The courses are intended for government executives, private-sector and nongovernmental organization (NGO) leaders, and emergency management practitioners. This includes senior elected and appointed leaders, such as Federal department or agency heads, State Governors, mayors, tribal leaders, and city or county officials.

The National Preparedness Goal defines what it means for the whole community to be prepared for all types of disasters and emergencies. These risks include events such as natural disasters, disease pandemics, chemical spills and other manmade hazards, terrorist attacks and cyber-attacks. The National Preparedness Goal also describes 32 activities, called core capabilities, which address the greatest risks to the nation. 

The National Planning Frameworks, which are part of the National Preparedness System, set the strategy and doctrine for building, sustaining, and delivering the core capabilities identified in the National Preparedness Goal. They describe the coordinating structures and alignment of key roles and responsibilities for the whole community and ensure interoperability across all mission areas.

The updates to the Independent Study Courses focus on discrete, critical content revisions as a result of the 2015 and 2016 National Preparedness Goal and National Planning Framework refresh efforts. Additional changes in the courses are the result of the lessons learned from implementing the Frameworks through recent real world events, as well as the findings of the National Preparedness Report. The course web links are listed below. A revised course for the refreshed National Disaster Recovery Framework will be released at a later date.

IS-2000: National Preparedness Goal and System Overview:

IS-2500: National Prevention Framework, An Introduction:

IS-2600: National Protection Framework, An Introduction:

IS-2700: National Mitigation Framework, An Introduction:

IS-800.c: National Response Framework, An Introduction:

Thank you for your continued support. Together, we make the nation more secure and resilient.


Mr. Frog’s Wild Ride……Rides Again!



CARS is providing radio communication for this year’s Mr. Frog’s Wild Ride on Saturday April 14, 2018. It has been a very successful 50K and 100k bike ride benefiting Feeney Park in Murphy’s.

Mike, N6AXQ, is asking for radio operators to help with this event.  Come on out for some fun, sun, and can it be a learning experience as well. All levels of hams are welcome.

Please contact Mike at : or (209) 785-4015





March 18, 2018

The Calaveras Amateur Radio Society provided communications for the Walk,

Ride 4 Art event. The ride consisted of a 50 mile and 25 mile routes with 2 rest

stops. There was also a 4 mile walk along the Winkle Creek hike path. 12 CARS

ARES members, 1 Amador and 1 Tuolumne ARES members manned two rest

stops, 3 SAG vehicles, a walk turnaround area and a net control station. The Net

controllers managed communications on 2 VHF repeaters and 1 VHF simplex

channel. ARES members put in a total of 98 man hours to support this event.


Submitted by:

Sam – WS6P

Emergency Coordinator – Calaveras County

West Point, Wilseyville, Glencoe, Mokelumne Hill areas


Our New OES Director


As of Feb. 15, 2018 the new Director for Calaveras County OES is Michelle Patterson.

She came from El Dorado County Health and Human Resource Agency having served 5 years with the county.  Before that she was San Mateo Health Planner.  She has a Masters Degree in Public Health and is certified by FEMA, completing over 20 courses in Disaster Response, Coordination and Preparedness.

Still up in the air is the decision as to who we belong to.  Technically we will belong to OES.  Currently we are under Calaveras Sheriff OES/EOC.

There has been no scheduled meeting at this time.

(Submitted by PT Brown, KG6FEY, Em-Comm, Calaveras County RACES Officer



HAM OPs NEEDED FOR THE “Ride & Walk4Art”, March 18th 2018


We need more hams to help provide communication on the 25/45 mile bike ride on Sunday March 18, 2018.  We have sag positions and rest stops that need your support. Show off your radio communication skills and/or learn new ones. Great training exercise for em-comm. preparedness.  More info about event at


Please contact Ken at: or (209) 795-5947



CARS VEs help with HAM CRAM


Thanks so much to the following VE’s for providing exam support at the
Ham Cram on Saturday Feb. 24, at Columbia College:

Mike Axiak, Miriam Brown, Tim Cody – we could not have succeeded without

Thank you Ken Sanders for coordinating and proctoring the Ham Cram

We now have 8 new Technician Class Amateur Radio operators and one new
Extra Class upgraded Amateur Radio operator.  The success rate was 100%
with no failures or re-takes necessary.

Thanks so much to all of our Volunteer Examiners.

Suzan Flanary, K6CDK




TO: All CARS Members

Ken, AE6LA, will link the CARS repeater to the Lodi Repeater for net tonight (Feb,19) at 7:30pm.
This will allow the Valley Springs members a better opportunity to participate in the net because for them hitting the Fowler repeater has been difficult.
If you want to try checking into the net via Lodi, then use the Lodi repeater freq which is 147.090+ and pl of 114.8hz.
The Lodi group is graciously sanctioning the use of their repeater for the Monday night session.
This will be our first attempt at a link-up for a net.  See if you like it.
Mark, n6iv