Field Day 2021 Comes To A Close

VOA Delano,Ca

Were you able to catch that station that was eluding you during the pile up? Have the Log squared away and the equipment packed for the trip home? Field Day for 2021 is in the books and hopfully you were able to say hello to a friend in a QTH that you may never be able to have the time to visit. Your signal traveled far into the Ionosphere and used the earth’s natural sciences, we haven’t found another place quite like it.


Copperopolis Volunteer Brigade

Copperopolis Volunteer Brigade

Wednesday June 16th, 2021 6pm

The Armory in downtown Copper.

Plenty of parking. Everyone welcome. Free admission.

This is an urgent outreach to come and network with local folks to find out about the local non-profits serving our community. This is a hands-on introduction to all the multiple choices of opportunities to help our community grow together and enrich our lives in this rural area. Volunteers are desperately needed to push ideas forward and manage the many aspects we all expect to make our town a comfortable place to grow and prosper. At this meeting you will learn about the many non-profit organizations that exist, how to network and stay in contact with them. There is no obligation to join anything but you may find something you desire to be a part of. Tables for each organization will be set up to check out and there will be some dialog for everyone to hear. We must band together to build a strong community volunteer pool to help with local events and happenings and you can be a part of it! Come and join us. Please share this with your friends and any interested parties. Volunteers of Copperopolis!

Field Day

Q: Several of our club members are going to operate independently and wish to attribute their scores to the aggregate club score. What call sign should they use?

A: Participants should use their own call signs. Except for Class C (mobile) entries, all transmitters, receivers, and antennas must be located within a 1,000-foot-diameter circle may operate using a single call sign. This prohibits the use of a single call sign from more than one location. Under the 2020 waiver, those operating from home, including backyard operations, must use their own station call signs. Multiple home stations operating with a club call sign or modified club call sign, such as W1AW-1, W1AW-2, W1AW-3, etc, are not allowed.


ARRL to Extend Field Day Rule Waivers from 2020, Add Class D and E Power Limit
The COVID-19 pandemic-modified ARRL Field Day rules from 2020 will continue this June with the addition of a power limit imposed on Class D (Home Stations) and Class E (Home Stations-Emergency Power) participants. The news from the ARRL Board’s Programs and Services Committee comes as many clubs and groups are starting preparations for Field Day in earnest. Field Day 2021 will take place June 26 – 27.

“This early decision should alleviate any hesitancy that radio clubs and individual Field Day participants may have with their planning for the event,” said ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE.

For Field Day 2021:

Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points. This year, however, Class D and Class E stations will be limited to 150 W PEP output.
An aggregate club score will be published — just as it was done last year. The aggregate score will be a sum of all individual entries that attributed their score to that of a specific club.
ARRL Field Day is one of the biggest events on the amateur radio calendar. Last summer, a record 10,213 entries were received.

“With the greater flexibility afforded by the rules waivers, individuals and groups will still be able to participate in Field Day, while still staying within any public health recommendations and/or requirements,” Bourque said.

The preferred method of submitting entries after Field Day is via the web applet. The ARRL Field Day rules include instructions on how to submit entries, which must be submitted or postmarked by Tuesday, July 27, 2021.

The ARRL Field Day web page contains for complete rules and entry forms, as well as any updated information as it becomes available. Join the ARRL Field Day Facebook page.

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