SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of April 2013


Time for planning the fun, food and frequencies for Field Day.  April
is gone, May is in full swing and the temperature is still quite

It seems we always plan our Antenna work and Field Day about the same
time.  Maybe to knock the dust off the stored equipment from last year.
 I think it is our nature to improve over and above last year.  A good
antenna always goes a long way.  Get out and work while the temperature
is right.

If you do not have your contacts in place for your bonus points for
Field Day, time is a wasting.  The Political and Government officials
are always scheduling 90 days ahead.  Put your story together for the
press and media.  Make sure to line up the youth for your GOTA Station

Enjoy the planning, add food, good equipment and a good place to
operate, add some contacts, and you will have a great time.

73; Dan AE6SX

 04/10/2013 | Applications for Teachers Institute, ETP Grants Due in
 04/20/2013 | Chinese Amateurs Assist in Earthquake Aftermath        
04/19/2013 | Surfin’: Wire in the Spring, outdoor maintenance -- with
wire antennas in mind. 
04/16/2013 | Radio Amateurs Provide Communication Support in Boston
Marathon Bombings 
 04/22/2013 | Seattle Will Host the 32nd (TAPR) Digital Communications
 04/23/2013 | Changes to FCC Radiotelegraph Operator Certificates
Coming May 20        
 05/01/2013 | Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Scheduled for May
W6TV placed #1 in September VHF Contest
W6SX placed #1 in 160 Meter contest
WC6H placed #1 in November Sweepstakes -Phone

May 2013
+ Armed Forces Crossband Test      1400Z, May 11 to 0300Z, May 12
+ HPC World Wide DX Contest        1200Z, May 11 to 1159Z, May 12
+ CQ-M International DX Contest        1200Z, May 11 to 1159Z, May 12
+ VOLTA WW RTTY Contest        1200Z, May 11 to 1200Z, May 12
+ Nevada Mustang Roundup        1700Z, May 11 to 1700Z, May 12
+ CQ WW WPX Contest, CW        0000Z, May 25 to 2359Z, May 26

June 2013
+ 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest        0000Z, Jun 1 to 2400Z, Jun 2
+ Maritimes QSO Party        1200Z-2400Z, Jun 1
+ SEANET Contest        1200Z, Jun 1 to 1200Z, Jun 2
+ Alabama QSO Party        1600Z, Jun 1 to 0400Z, Jun 2

CLOVIS ARP ++ The Clovis group will be doing communications for the
California Classic Century Bike Ride, 18 May.  The May meeting will be
a “how to” on Fox Hunting by Rob AE6GE.

FRESNO ARC ++  “Skip” includes pictures and reports from the DX
Convention in Visailia.  Paul W6VPS continues his journal on
refurbishing his Mosley Beam and adding 12 & 17 Meter elements.  Also
pictures and comments from the M Squared Open House showing owners Mike
Staal, K6MYC, and the team.

LOS BANOS ARC ++  Dr. Joe will be presenting at the 11 May meeting. 
His topic will be his operating aboard a Submarine during WWII.  Time
is 7 PM at the Police Annex building.

SEQUOIA ARG ++  Nice article in the “Voice” of the awarding of the
Amateur Radio Rating Badge to a young Boy Scout.  Pete W6SV, praises
the guests from Bakersfield at a recent club function.  I am thrilled
about hearing of collaborative events like these.  The other colorful
articles are worth the reading.

SIERRA ARC ++  Hal N6HAL describes many good Emcomm practices and
public service events.  The Club is very good at working with other
clubs and groups in the area.  A very well rounded example of
cooperation with the local CERT members. 

STANISLAUS ARC ++   SARA Quarterly spells out the public service
events.  Registration for FEMA training courses offered by the ARES
group.  Joe WB6AGR offers 2 links regarding videos on “Situational
Awareness” and .  .

STOCKTON Delta ++ Charlie WB6NVB and Fred WB6ASU are preparing an ATV
presentation.  The club is very involved in a multitude of public
service events.  The Club is activating the minesweeper USS Intrepid
for the June 1 Museum Ship Weekend.  .

TURLOCK ARC ++ Amateur Radio & Velveeta Cheese link: depicting Ham Radio in the add.  Grady,
K6IXA, said a new diagram of the repeater system has been created and
placed on the club's web page. Grady also said a new satellite receiver
has been put in place in Modesto and one will soon be going into place
in Atwater and Fresno.  Plans for Field Day seem to be in place.  A
reprint of the ARES participation in the Boston Marathon Bombing was
very informative.

The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Edd,
K6LSB and John, AE6QR.  They will be missed.

Traffic for February 2013:
ORS: WS6P 136, K6RAU 13, W6SX 1 Total 150
PSHR: WS6P 202, W6SX 22, K6RAU 70

Mark your Calendars:   May 17-19 -- Dayton Hamvention, Trotwood, Ohio. 
For more information see  SEA-PACK 31 May through 2 June
2013 Seaside, OR.  Check the details at .  ARRL Field
Day is June 22-23, 2013.  You can down load the FD Packet from ARRL. 
PACIFICON 2013 is scheduled for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara
Marriott. See for information.
Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL
web page, for exam information.
You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register
your exam. Instructors can also register classes there.
Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards
within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC
in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may
now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945, including Deleted DXCC
Entities. K6ZZ can now check 160 Meter Cards. DXCC card checkers may,
at their discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ
can check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The
card checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award.
ARRL Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and
a VHF Awards Manager for VUCC.
The K6RAU (our Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course is
available at or
No need to know a "dit" from a "dah", simply with paper and pencil, and
following the instructions.
Elmering: Guy W6MSU's Elmer talk group is at

San Joaquin Valley Nets:
The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of
Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or
near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time.
The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local
The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time
on 3.975 MHZ. 
Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly
on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time. 
San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time.
Western Public Service System (WPSS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll -
at 7:30 PM local Pacific Time.
The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local
Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of
NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic
on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills. 
The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL
100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX

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