Antenna Building Workshop



Kathy is that mm or inches?

CARS members joined in today at the Murphy’s Fire Station training center and successfully constructed several 2m copper j-pole antennas. Between coffee, muffins, and socialization the group managed to produce tuned and functional j-poles which should last 20+ years. Thank  you to all involved for a nice club activity.


Additional pics from K6AAN:


Reminder: J-Pole Antenna Build


Just a little reminder of our club j-pole build SAT Feb 17th at the training facility across form Murphy’s Fire Station Main and Jones St. at 9am . Sign up is preferred please Contact Jerry at 209-532-3899 or

See you there

Mark, N6IV


EmComm Report for Jan. 2018 (PT-KG6FEY)


EC Report for January 2018


Happy New Year,

The schedule for the month of January: 3 Monday Night EmComm Nets, 1 EmComm Meeting and1 EmComm & Coffee.


Changes for ARES

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) has been the public service communication program of the ARRL since 1935. Over many years and following many natural disasters, volunteers in our field organizations have provided us with a lot of valuable feedback about the ways we could improve and modernize (including adapting to new communication modes) to make this organization work more efficiently and effectively.


The ARRL Board of Directors created a working group to look at the input from volunteers in the field organization, as well as incorporating the work of previous committees studying improvements to ARRL public service programs, to develop strategies to enhance the professionalism and consistency of the ARES program and those who are part of it.


The working group recognized that there is a strong need for a robust volunteer management system to connect field organizations to training, resources, and information from ARRL. Other improvements that will be rolled out in the months ahead include establishment of national training requirements and improved local training resources, updated ARES operating guidelines, and updated field organization job descriptions.


A few weeks ago, an announcement went out outlining the changes coming to the ARES program. The first of these changes, establishing ARES Group IDs, is now ready. Before we get into the instructions on how to register your ARES group, we first want to cover some basic questions on how the ID relates to this new volunteer management system ARES Connect.


What is ARES Connect?

ARES Connect is a volunteer management system that will allow each ARES group to manage their roster, create and staff events, and track nets and training. Each ARES group and ARRL Section will have a unique page on the platform with appropriate admin control given to the ARES Emergency Coordinator.


ARES members will be able to create a user profile that connects them to their local ARES group. Through their profile they can register for ARES (pending EC approval), sign up for events, log volunteer hours, and log training.


Reporting will be different through ARES Connect. As users log activity, data is created that allows ECs, DECs and SECs to run custom reports. The current ARES report forms will continue to be used through 2018 as the system is being built, but our current plan is to shift all reporting over to ARES Connect in January 2019.


Beta testing of the platform will begin in early 2018. Look for more information to be released about ARES Connect around midyear, once testing and initial build is complete.


The Importance of Participation

You are all aware we will be doing upgrades to our training requirements which will give structure to our procedures. Three operator levels will be identified and this aids coordination when we are asked to participate in disasters and assist other ARES Groups as mutual aid. Training sessions will be implemented in the near future.

Even with all the available training, if we do not have member participation it does no good. The entire group needs to be trained (this includes our leadership), in order to rank our operators as to their training, abilities, and experience.

Our training officer will be making more information available in the coming months. Once the classes are scheduled please adjust your calendar so you can participate.


Interesting use of 60Meters


ARLX001 FEMA Region 10 Communication Exercises Will Make Use of 60

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho,
Oregon, and Washington) conducted a Communications Exercise
(COMMEX) on January 17 and on the third Wednesday of subsequent
months during 2018, 1500-2100 UTC. These exercises will use the
60-meter channels and will test and exercise interoperable
communication (federal/state/local/tribal/Amateur Radio) for use
during a major disaster in which the conventional telecommunication
infrastructure has been significantly damaged or destroyed.

FEMA Region 10 will use the call sign WGY910. Other stations that
may take part include, but are not limited to, other FEMA stations,
DHS, USCG, SHARES, DoD, and National Weather Service. Stations (both
federal and amateur) associated with agencies and organizations that
provide response support in accordance with the National Response
Framework are encouraged to participate.

The COMMEX will use all five 60-meter dial frequencies: 5,330.5 kHz;
5,346.5 kHz; 5,357.0 kHz; 5,371.5 kHz, and 5,403.5 kHz as part of
the exercise.



Fresno EmComm Net Changes

As of January 8, 2018 the Net Script has changed. Great care has gone into making improvements to the script to help keep interest and stream line the net. The net is basically has the same information but in an improved format.

When you talk to Gary Greenberg (KI6OYW), thank him for all the hard work he puts into keeping the net going.



Agenda for the January 25,2018 Meeting


Training Agenda:

Short review of the MAC program status, Revisions from last meeting, i.e. “Command Post” to “Communications”.

  • Brief overview of individual files
  • Brief overview of medical “Triage Checklist”
  • Training – “Filters: Notched and Such”



 Work Detail at Gwen Blomgren (KO6Y)’s QTH



Upcoming RACES Exercise


The March RACES Training Exercise will be discussed. We will determine what modes and locations that will be used for the event.



We will have a regular EmComm Business portion of the meeting as well. This should be a very interesting meeting and give you a chance to voice your feelings to which direction you would like to see our group proceed.


The meeting place is the Hinds Hospice Building at 2490 W. Shaw Ave. Fresno. The time is 19:00 hr. please arrive a little early for we have to be escorted in for this is a secured building.




Public Service Calendar





February 17, 2018 – Rotary Chocolate Run – Woodward Park

March 3, 2018 – Sanger Blossom Trail 10K – Sanger, CA 

April 7, 2018 – California Classic Bicycle Ride
& March of Dimes Walk

April 21, 2018 – Hinds Hospice Angel Babies Walk

May 5, 2018 – Kirch Flat Bicycle Ride

June 30, 2018 – Climb to Kaiser Bicycle Ride

September 8, 2018 – Tour de Fresno Bicycle Ride

October 13, 2018 – Bass Lake Double Century Bicycle Ride


If you would like to volunteer to work one or more of these events please go to and signup. You can also email Rob Mavis at (


Remember that we use these public service events as training venues. We recommend that you participate in at least three events a year. Soon this will be mandatory for you to keep your ability to be deployed during a disaster. Remember that we want to have qualifications and operational levels for our operators. This will help when we are asked to perform mutual aid for other County ARES/RACES Groups. When they ask for help they want our people qualified.



EmComm Website

We are now posting events and meetings on the calendar as well as posting articles on the home page. Check us out at


Net Control Staff Needed

We are looking for volunteers to take a turn as net control on Monday nights. This is not a difficult task. We will provide the preamble and net roster. This is a great way to enhance your skills running a net for emergency situations. If you are interested, please contact Gary (KI6OYW) at 559-269-1340 or email



Our Calendar

Don’t forget the Monday Night EmComm Net at 19:30 hr. on the 147.15 MHz Pl 141.3. We have some good information and camaraderie. On the third Friday of the month there is the EmComm & Coffee at YFC on Cedar south of Ashlan in Granite Park at 07:00hr. And last but not least the EmComm Meetings are held on the Fourth Thursday of month. Our next meeting will be January 25 , 2018 at 1900 hr. at the Hinds Hospice Building, 2490 W. Shaw Fresno.


Best of 73’s


Fresno County ARES EC/ RACES Officer



Workshop: Build Your Own 2m Copper J-Pole Antenna


Event: A club workshop to facilitate better radio communications and fellowship. 

  • Building materials will be provided to club members free of charge but donations will gladly be accepted to defray costs.
  • Instructions and supervision will be available to assemble a high performance 2m  j-pole  antenna.
  • Get your hands dirty (maybe even toasted) while we cut, solder, and fit together this project.

Date: Saturday Feb. 17, 2018

Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 PM

Place: Training Center across the street from Murphy’s Fire Station (Main and Jones St.)

Sign Up is required to ensure sufficient materials and preparation.

Please contact: Jerry, WA6AVR , at 209-532 3899  or to ensure your slot.


Mark, N6IV  (PIO)
