ARRL Town Hall Meeting January 11th 10 am PDT

ARRL Division NewsPacific Division  
Please join us for the Pacific Division Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, January 11th at 10AM PDT. We will again meet on Zoom for this meeting to allow all those in the Pacific Division to attend.   Meeting Information:  ARRL Pacific Division Town Hall Meeting When: Jan 11, 2025 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)  Please Register in advance for this  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Please allow a day or two before seeing the confirmation with the meeting link and information.   The meeting is being held to provide quick updates about topics related to the division, information before the ARRL Board meeting scheduled to be held in Newington on January 17th and 18th and to allow time for those attending to provide comment/feedback and questions. Hope to see everyone at the Town Hall Meeting on Zoom.   
Anthony Marcin, W7XMARRL Pacific Division

I thought I distributed this a couple of days ago.

Please register for and attend the Pacific Division Saturday, Jan 11, 10 AM  Town Hall Meeting and encourage all of your Jurisdiction’s Amateur Radio Service operators to do the same whether they are ARRL Members or not.

Widely distributing this in your jurisdictions could help steer Tony’s and the Board’s future decisions re: supporting Emergency Communications. 

Tony knows & understands the importance of the Amateur Radio Service’s need to perform radio-related duties as required by local AHJs (Authorities Having Jurisdiction).

As our voice in the  ‘The National Association for Amateur Radio, a Registered Trademark,’  to represent your thinking, he must understand your relationships with local AHJs.

Please be kind to Tony and register for this Jan. 11 Town Hall Meeting sooner rather than later.

TIA, Cheers & 73,

Dan Sohn

San Joaquin Valley Section Emergency Coordinator 


Forwarded By Sam Hernandez W6SP


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