California Shake-Out

October 20th 2022

As part of the Great California Shake-Out, Club members and ARES Members will be included
along with other Disaster Health Volunteers in a county-wide drill for the Great California Shake
More information from our San Joaquin County Emergency Coordinator Bob N6TCE.
A SET is short for Simulated Emergency Training.
On October 20th at 10:20 AM is the Great California Shake-Out. The Shake-Out takes place to generate
Earthquake Awareness and disaster preparedness. Unfortunately, we do live in an area where large quakes
do happen. They can be as devastating to our communities as any hurricane or tornado.
The Net Control Station will start a controlled net on either the Stockton (147.165.0 + offset PL107.2) or
the Lodi (147.090 + offset PL 114.8) repeater. We will be using two repeaters for the event. More details
will follow at the W6SF Club Meeting and on the ARES Tuesday night Nets.
The Net Control Station (NTS) will start by formally opening the net with the words: “This is an
Exercise.” After the initial announcement, the NCS will call for reports. Next, listen to the NCS
instructions on what should be in your reports.
There are four levels of message precedence:

  1. Emergency (Relating to the immediate protection of life or property)
  2. Priority (Partners and ARES®messages directly related to the emergency, but not as time-sensitive as
    an emergency precedence message)
  3. Health and Welfare (Inquiries or information about the whereabouts or condition of persons in the
    affected area)
  4. Routine (Messages unrelated to any emergency: birthday greetings, net activity reports, etc.)

The Net Control Station will ask for Emergency Traffic 1st. Then Priority 2nd, Welfare traffic 3rd, and
Routine 4th.
The Net Director would set up alternate frequencies in a genuine emergency and move the routine and
welfare traffic off the Main Net frequencies. However, for this SET, we will not be doing do that.
Therefore, the NCS will not take routine or welfare traffic during this exercise.


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