An Enjoyable Day For Bike Riders


The Calaveras Amateur Radio Society was delegated with the responsibility of monitoring the almost 150 cyclists who participated in the Calaveras Ride And Walk 4 Art. The cyclists had a choice of three treks to choose from a 25 mile route, a 45 mile and a challenging 75 mile trek. Last year the beginning of the Covid pandemic had cancelled the event in 2020. Cyclists exhibited pent up excitement this year to hit the trails again. Our club president Steve Airola would like to extend a job well done, to those radio operators who monitored the cyclists routes.

Ae6la, Wa6zty, N6iv, K6rkb, N6dao, Ka9mdp, K6ned, K6tni, Nv6v, Kk6gix, Kb6usj

Mark N6IV at the Net Control HQ
 American Legion Ambulance Services stood ready if needed

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