WB6TOU-13 Balloon Mission Has Ended


Launched on January 10th 2021 the Balloon took a slightly more Southerly course bypassing Europe. Some of the new countries it flew over were Northern Mexico, Spain, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Beijing China. The Balloon orbited the Earth two and one half times. Tracking of the Balloon with its APRS/WSPR transmitter were very consistent, as long as it was in sun light that kept the solar panels charging the Capacitors which kept it pinging its position. 

February 8th was the last transmission received before sunset as it was traveling over Kabul Afghanistan. Altitude data and speed were nominal what failure occurred during the night is unknown. The Balloon did not report in the following day.

Thank You David Voit WB6TOU and Congratulations on reaching the goal of  completing multiple orbits, and improvements in tracking. This is not the end a WB6TOU-14 is in the future.


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