
The ARES E-Letter

******************************************** The ARES E-Letter Published by the American Radio Relay League ******************************************** September 18, 2013 Editor: Rick Palm, K1CE <> In This Issue: IN THIS ISSUE – Docket of Disaster – Major Conference in Michigan Involves Planning for Amateur Radio … Continue reading

Rim Fire Update

NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: ARES / RACES Conclude Rim Fire Activation (Courtesy of ARRL Letter of 05 September 2013) Amateur Radio volunteers supporting the Red Cross and local government in the wake of the gigantic Rim Fire, in and near California’s … Continue reading

Rim Fire Info

ON August 19 2013 at 1700 HRS, WB6GGY Phil ( RACES radio officer) and NI6Z Carl (ARES Emergency Coordinator..) were alerted to the possible need for Amateur Radio assistance for what was now called the Rim Fire, ( after the … Continue reading
