Weekly net for CARS members and everyone else!
N6FRG repeater. 145.170 MHz. – offset. PL 100 Hz.
Weekly net for CARS members and everyone else!
N6FRG repeater. 145.170 MHz. – offset. PL 100 Hz.
Weekly net for CARS members and everyone else!
N6FRG repeater. 145.170 MHz. – offset. PL 100 Hz.
Weekly net for CARS members and everyone else!
N6FRG repeater. 145.170 MHz. – offset. PL 100 Hz.
Calaveras County ARES will be participating in this exercise. A net will be conducted on the CARS repeater system on March 7th, at 6:30 PM. More details for the county will follow. Below is a summary of objectives from the San Joaquin Valley Section Incident Action Plan (IAP). All hams are invited to participate.
1. There are three phases to the exercise: 1) Comms failure, 2) Power failure and 3) Reporting
2. Local situational awareness (SA) shall be collected via local nets (any means – voice, data, table top, etc).
Note: This includes amateurs outside of your area, but maintain a relationship, e.g. LAX ARES can participate
3. Engage as many amateur radio operators as feasible in each participating local jurisdiction.
4. Local SA reports shall be recorded on a Winlink “Radio Net Log” and forwarded via Winlink to the SJV Section
ICP Comms during Phase 3 (Appendix C4)
5. Local SA reports shall be summarized in a Winlink Field Situation Report and forwarded via Winlink to the SJV
Section ICP Comms during Phase 3 (Appendices C2 and C3)
6. Expected Winlink messages shall include:
a. Winlink Check-in from local net control stations (Appendix C1)
b. Field Situation Report from local net control describing overall status for each phase of the exercise
c. Radio Net Log, identifying local participants and their status for each phase of the exercise
d. Winlink Check-out at the end of local participation (Appendix C5)
7. The exercise shall follow the timeline described in part 8 of ICS-201
8. Have fun!