
IRLP  Node 3428


- With the help of WA6TLG and WB6MFV, we set the input/output levels and made our first contacts!  We are now able to offer the use of WB6MFV/R for connection to nodes.  We still need to do a little tweaking before we should connect to a reflector, so please connect to nodes only at this time.
- Recorded and uploaded wav files to IRLP server.  WB6MFV has set up a repeater preset for us to use.  Published our node (3428) to IRLP Status page.  Tomorrow we're going to be trying it out and connecting to some nodes.  We'll also be working on the sound card input levels.  
- Heavy thinking in the shower this morning paid off: rather than tear the home-made cable apart, why not simply tap into the external speaker jack on the radio and send that to the sound card?  I did and now it's working.  Yay!  I did some on-air testing with the help of WA6TLG and AC6CY, and we still need to do a little tweaking on the sound card input levels, but we're making progress.  Next steps: continue working with input levels, record our node ID messages, work with WB6MFV to set a repeater preset for IRLP use, publish our node to irlp.net, start making contacts!  We will eventually come up with operating guidelines that will be available on this site, but until then users should familiarize themselves with the guidelines posted at irlp.net.
- Did some testing yesterday of audio out of the radio from the computer with the help of AE6LA and WB6MFV and we think we have the levels pretty reasonable.  Today's test went the other way: through the radio to the internet (and back again via an IRLP test reflector).  It also went the other way by not working!  I don't appear to be putting out any audio signal into the computer.  It looks like I'm still struggling with the wiring.  Heavy thinking required...
- Reversed mini DIN wiring was apparently reversed.  To explain, I assumed the DIN wiring was exactly backwards, but when re-wiring, I found out some other problems in my interpretations of the diagrams.  So I fixed those and assumed the DIN diagram in the Yaesu manual was looking at the plug end.  This morning I tried that cable and got no response at all.  So I then re-reversed the DIN wiring (assuming the diagram was looking from the back or "solder" side), and it worked!  So, we have control of the radio (by the way, it's a Yaesu FT-1500M graciously donated by my boss, Larry KQ6XY) from the computer...yay!  Next step is setting the audio levels and recording the link up/down messages.
3/24/03 - Reversing mini DIN wiring tonight...will try hooking it up in the morning.
3/22/03 - Moved host computer into position on rack.  It is now set up and operating with IRLP board and software installed.  Constructed cabling to link computer to radio. Tested: receiving audio but not COS.  Also will not activate PTT.  Suspect mini DIN wiring is backwards.
Feb/March 2003 - Secured server and bandwidth due to  a generous donation from Goldrush World Access.  Installed IRLP board.  Installed Red Hat Linux 7.3 and configured sound card.  Encryption keys uploaded to IRLP servers.  Host computer is online and functioning.