
IRLP  Node 3428

Active Node List


Our new node is now ready for your use.  We highly encourage all our members to give it a try... it's fun!  We suggest that you listen to a few contacts and perhaps ask to join in before you initiate a connection to a node on your own.  When you're familiar with how it works, follow these steps to connect to a node:

1. Make sure the repeater is in Preset 2.  This will be characterized by a very short courtesy tone and very short tail at the end of each transmission.  If it doesn't appear to be in Preset 2, please ask a control operator to place the repeater in Preset 2 for you.

2. Listen to make sure the repeater is not currently in use.  Identify yourself as accessing an IRLP node.  Dial the 4 digit node number you wish to reach. (A current list of active nodes can be found by clicking on the Active Node List link above.)

3. A few seconds later, you will hear the IRLP system announce that it is connecting to the node you requested.  If the connection is successful, you will hear that the link is on.  If the node is currently busy or otherwise unavailable, you will hear a message stating this.

4. Wait for a while to ensure that somebody on the node you have connected to is not in the middle of a conversation.

5. Key your mic and wait about 2 seconds before speaking.  This will allow adequate time for the IRLP system to begin processing your audio and ensure that the beginning of your transmission is not cut off.

6. Call your station as you would on any other repeater.  If you are looking to strike up a conversation with anybody that might be willing, just identify yourself and your location and ask if anybody would care to chat for a bit.

7.  When finished with your contact, you may wish to ask if anybody else on our side of the link would like to make contact with a station on the node.

8. When you are ready to drop the link, identify yourself and press 73.

9. You will hear the IRLP system indicate that the link is off.


A typical QSO might go something like this:

After listening to ensure that the repeater is free and in Preset 2, I'll key up and say, "This is KD6MDO accessing IRLP node 4022" followed by 4022 on the key pad, then release my PTT.  After a couple of seconds, I'll hear something like "IRLP node 4022, link on".  I'll listen for a bit, and if nobody is talking on the other end, I'll key up, wait 2 seconds, and say "Good morning, Miami.  This is KD6MDO near Angels Camp, California...is anyone available for a contact?"  After a few seconds, I might hear something like "KD6MDO, this is AG4GK, Fran in Miami...go ahead".  And we're off and running.  I'll remember to leave a couple of seconds of silence before each transmission.  When Fran and I are finished, I might ask if anyone else on our repeater would like to speak to Fran.  When we're all finished, I'll say something like "This is KD6MDO dropping the link", followed by 73 on my key pad.  After a couple of seconds, I'll hear something like "IRLP node 4022, link off".  We're now back into normal repeater operation.


Successful Contacts

Here are a couple of nodes that we have connected to successfully:

4022 Miami, FL.  Spoke with Fran, AG4GK
4120 Omaha, NE.  Spoke with KF6SWL, Brandon
6000 Sydney, Australia.  Spoke with VK2JMP, Bob, while he was driving to work