SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of August 2013




3rd Largest Fire in California!

If you are involved with Emergency Communications, then you were paying
attention to the Fire Outlook this month. There were a number of
smaller fires in San Joaquin Valley but the Rim Fire tested our
resources. We worked with familiar organizations but in Central San
Joaquin, there were new people in the leadership positions. We handled
ourselves professionally and expertly. We served the agencies as they
requested and that we mostly trained to accomplish. Nothing ever goes
exactly as planned. We put untested skill sets into practice (PSK).
This allowed us to be more effective.

I would have to say these are not unusual conditions. I did not
receive any bad reports! This makes me very proud of ARES and all
Amateur Radio volunteers. I am honored to be affiliated with such
mindful and considerate citizens.

September is DHS’s Disaster Preparedness Month. Take this opportunity
to exhibit your capabilities to the public and Public Safety
Organizations. Look for different events in your local area. Fresno
will be holding the second annual Emcomm “Rally in the Valley” on
28 September

Keep your Batteries charged!

Remember to get your registrations in for Pacificon and all the other
happenings over Sept and October.

73; Dan AE6SX

NEWS: From ARRL news letters. Read complete articles from August to
* AO-7 “Zombie” Satellite Again Enjoying Its Time in the Sun. AO-7
is back again!

* ARRL Introduces Centennial Membership Certificate. Members can
print their own ARRL Centennial membership certificates.

* Popular “MM” Applications Released for Open-Source Development.
Popular “MM” applications now are open-source.

* Ham Radio Transponder Payloads to Launch in 2014. Two CubeSats
carrying ham radio payloads are set to launch next year.

* Adobe Air 3.8 Currently Not Compatible With Downloaded Digital QST
using Windows Digital QST readers may need to use Version 3.7 until the
issue is resolved

* Higher FCC Vanity Call Sign Fee is $16.10 since August 23.

* “Ham Video” Transmitter is Now Aboard the ISS. Digital TV from the
ISS moves one step closer.

* Hams Continue to Support Rim Fire Response. ARES/RACES volunteers
remain on the job as containment progresses.

* Pacific Island DXpeditions to Fire Up this Fall on Wake and Easter

* North Carolina to Host 2013 USA ARDF Championships. The annual USA
Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships will take place in

* ARES-RACES Volunteers Conclude Rim Fire Activation having wrapped up
response for the Rim Fire in California.

* W6JWK, John, has DXCC on CW and Mixed.


September 2013
+ Russian RTTY WW Contest 0000Z-2400Z, Sept 7
+ All Asian DX Contest, Phone 0000Z, Sept 7 to 2400Z, Sept 8
+ RSGB SSB Field Day 1300Z, Sept 7 to 1300Z, Sept 8
+ IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB 1300Z, Sept 7 to 1259Z, Sept 8
+ Ohio State Parks on the Air 1600Z-2400Z, Sept 7
+ QCWA Fall QSO Party 1800Z, Sept 7 to 1800Z, Sept 8
+ DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest 1100Z-1700Z, Sept 8
+ Swiss HTC QRP Sprint 1300Z-1900Z, Sept 8
+ ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest 0600 local, Sept 21 to 2400 local, Sept
+ South Carolina QSO Party 1400Z, Sept 21 to 0300Z, Sept
+ Washington State Salmon Run 1600Z, Sept 21 to 0700Z, Sept 22 and
1600Z-2400Z, Sept 22
+ BARTG Sprint 75 1700Z-2100Z, Sept 22
+ Texas QSO Party 1400Z, Sept 28 to 0200Z, Sept
29 and 1400Z-2000Z, Sept 29

October 2013
+ German Telegraphy Contest 0700Z-0959Z, Oct 3
+ TARA PSK Rumble Contest 0000Z-2400Z, Oct 5
+ Oceania DX Contest, Phone 0800Z, Oct 5 to 0800Z, Oct 6
+ California QSO Party 1600Z, Oct 5 to 2159Z, Oct 6


CLOVIS ARP ++ Rob AE6GE will continuing the club T-Hunts. 21
September is the date of the Club Swapmeet.

FRESNO ARC++ Ken WA6OIB & Gwen WA6VZM hosted the summer Picnic as is
evidenced in the Sept SKIP. Bingo winners were listed, but it was
obvious fun. If you are looking for some gear N7TNQ’s list of
donations are in SKIP. Duane, KI6QEL shows his example of a portable
battery box. Good description. Glen N6HEW reports on the efforts of
the Fresno ARES/RACCES/SATERN supporting the Red Cross response to the
Rim Fire.

SIERRA ARC ++ Ridgecrest will be celebrating it’s 50th Birthday on
November 1 – 3. The plan is to set up some special event operations
each day, says Hal N6HAL. Hal also has insight from the Kern County
Emergency Manager. Read more in his report.

SEQUOIA ARG ++ Al, N6ALP has included an article on Lithium Batteries
concerning some problems in handling. Well worth reading. Pete W6SV
in his “Prez Sez” makes very good reasoning regarding ARRL
membership. Check out the Antenna Party article too. It is great fun.

STOCKTON Delta ++ Charlie WB6NVB suggested a club effort to contact
the DXpedition on Wake Island starting about 1 October saying,
“Everyone can have a chance”. Grand plans for the California CQP.
Starting Oct 5 Charlie WB6NVB’s vineyard, will be W6SF.

TURLOCK ARC ++ Articles about the Rim Fire with links to time lapse
pictures. More information on the Mt. Diablo vandalism.

The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: Dave,
KD6POX. He will be missed.

Traffic for JULY 2013:
ORS: WS6P 298, K6RAU 26, W6SX 23 Total 347
PSHR: WS6P 127, W6SX 52, K6RAU 70

Mark your Calendars:
WASHINGTON STATE CONVENTION Spokane Hamfest, 28 September 2013. For
more information go to NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE WEEK 12
to 20 October 2013 PACIFICON 2013 is scheduled
for October 11-13, 2013 at the Santa Clara Marriott. See for information. SKYWARN Recognition Day is December
7, 2013. The 2014 International DX Convention will be April 4-6, 2014,
at the Visalia Convention Center. Check for
Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL
web page, for exam information.
You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register
your exam. Instructors can also register classes there.
Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards
within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC
in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may
now check cards dated from Nov. 15, 1945, including Deleted DXCC
Entities. K6ZZ can now check 160 Meter Cards. DXCC card checkers may,
at their discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ
can check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The
card checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award.
ARRL Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and
a VHF Awards Manager for VUCC.
The K6RAU (our Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course is
available at or
No need to know a “dit” from a “dah”, simply with paper and pencil, and
following the instructions.

San Joaquin Valley Nets:
The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of
Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or
near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time.
The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local
The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time
on 3.975 MHZ.
Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly
on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pacific Time.
San Joaquin Net meets nightly on 3918khz, at 6 PM Pacific Time.
Western Public Service System (WPSS) meets nightly on 3952khz, roll –
at 7:30 PM local Pacific Time.
The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local
Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of
NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic
on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills.
The Young Ham Net every Saturday 2:00 PM local time 145.230 –0.6 PL
100 or Echolink KR6DD-R 271122 or N6WN-R 477737

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX


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