KB6USJ To Join W6SF As High Altitude Balloons Circle The Earth

Enthusiasm abounds as members of Lodi Amateur Radio Club and Calaveras Amateur Radio Society, Tuolumne Amateur Radio Club ,the group also included members of families as well as students of Mt. Oaks Charter School Sonora, prepare for release of the Pico Balloon. The students over the past months have been learning about the history of radio technology, pico balloon science as well as the HAM radio hobby and what it takes to become a licensed radio amateur. Students were interested in the various facets of the hobby many thinking most amateurs just converse by voice on their radios, but got their beliefs updated on this fascinating activity of how these tiny balloon can transmit GPS and telemetry, about temperature and altitude as it orbits the earth.

Tucked away as seen in photo at right in the rear of the solar panel are messages and names of Students, from the school which will follow with the tiny balloon on its journey. Where will it finally land we do not know, but the dreams and hopes are tucked away as it flies over far away lands.

“The growth of our science and education will be enriched by our new knowledge of our universe and environment, by new techniques of learning and mapping and observation, by new tools and computers for industry, medicine, the home as well as the school”

John F. Kennedy

We choose to go to the Moon speech, September 12,1962