Field Day 2022, N6FRG On The Air


N6IV and KB6USJ are planning a 1A Field Day event for Sat. June 25th near Bear Valley  from 11am until 6pm, Wx permitting.

We will set up a 100 watt station with the club call, N6FRG, powered by a generator and use a simple multiband dipole antenna.

Our planned location will be at the end of hwy 207 as you enter the ski resort property.


Visitors and guest operators are welcome. We will take turns operating and logging as the number of participants dictate.

Restrooms are available at the Round Valley Sno-Park parking lot on hwy 207 as you approach the field day site. (38.485201,-120.019393). Please bring your own refreshments.

You need not be licensed to participate and non-hams are encouraged to visit. Bring yourself, spouse, kids, or friends as supervising control operators will be on hand.

Look for the American flag on a blue shade canopy.

(You can operate from home also and direct contacts to N6FRG on the ARRL entry form as a club aggregate score use: “CALAVERAS ARS, INC.”)
Mark, N6IV