Great California Shake-Out

Join the Great California Shake-Out
Simulated Emergency Test
Thursday Oct 21 at 10:21 AM

You can join from home or work.
Your work can get credit for your check-in as well!


On October 21 at 10:21 is the Great California Shake-Out. The Shake-Out takes place to generate Earthquake Awareness and disaster preparedness. Unfortunately, we do live in an area where large quakes do happen. They can be as devastating to our communities as any hurricane or tornado.

All amateurs are invited to participate in this training exercise.

The Net Control Station will start a controlled net on either the Stockton (147.165.0 + offset PL107.2) or the Lodi (147.090 + offset PL 114.8) repeater. One of the repeaters will be REPORTED AS down during the exercise. (no net traffic on that repeater, please). You will need to listen FIRST to find out which repeater the net is operating from.

The Net Control Station (NTS) will start by formally opening the net with the words: “This is an Exercise.” This will be followed by a brief recorded announcement. After the initial announcement, the NCS will call for reports. Next, listen to the NCS instructions on what should be in your reports.

All of your reports should start and finish with the phrase: “This is an exercise or This is a drill”. End your report with your own call sign.

There are four levels of message precedence:
1. Emergency (Relating to the immediate protection of life or property)

2. Priority (Partners and ARES® messages which are directly related to the emergency, but not as time-sensitive as an Emergency precedence message)

3. Health and Welfare(Inquiries or information about the whereabouts or condition of persons in the affected area)

4. Routine (Messages unrelated to any emergency: birthday greetings, net activity reports, etc.)

The Net Control Station will ask for Emergency Traffic 1st. Then Priority 2nd, Welfare traffic 3rd, and Routine 4th.

Normally the Net Director would set up alternate frequencies in a genuine emergency and move the routine and welfare traffic off the Main Net frequencies. However, for this SET, we will not be doing do that. Therefore, the NCS will not take routine or welfare traffic during this exercise.

Remember, this is an exercise. A drill is a chance to practice everyone’s skills. You, as participants, can do more than check-in. For example, you might decide to practice copying call signs, or even copy the traffic.

Traffic itself will be the questions:
Did you feel it? Y/N
Severity? (rated 1 – 10 or mild – moderate – strong)
Any visible damage in your location? Y/N
Are utilities functioning? Y/N

Not everyone will answer all the questions. For example, might you hear an answer to only the 1st or the 1st and last two questions? Remember, this is an exercise and there is nothing wrong with reporting a mock scenario!

This exercise is constructed upon something which has been well attended in the past. The only thing different is we will be treated as simulated emergency training. The difference is this exercise will be set up using the National Incident Management System’s (NIMS’s) Incident Command System (ICS) forms and reported more formally than it has in the past.

After the roll call and reports are completed, The NCS will conclude the drill by playing a closing announcement from Cal OES and the Great California Shake-Out.


You can check in at work too! Bring your HT or from your mobile in the parking lot. If appropriate, give the name and location of your business or worksite and answer the questions regarding severity, damage and utility functions. After your check-in, you can go to the Great California Shake-Out and register your workplace as participating. (Check with your workplace leadership if you’re not in that role) For more information go to:

How well is your home earthquake resistant? Do you know where the major gas and electric lines are in your neighborhood? Do you know how to shut off the gas to your house?

I hope to hear everyone on October 21 at 1021 hours local time.

Bob Officer, N6TCE

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