Possible PSPS

Emergency Services

XCA ARES, On my Wednesday Conference Call with Calaveras OES, The PGE rep made us aware of a possible PSPS on Sunday 10/25. At the time of the Conference Call she told us that the weather models are not lining up and will have more info on Thursday or Friday. She also informed us that this may be like the one in Oct of 2019. As you may remember the PSPS in Oct 2019 lasted several days. I was without power for 9 days, but it did come on for any hour or two during that time so it was not 100% consecutive. I will create an ARES Connect event after PGE declares an PSPS watch so you can log your time. Please prepare for this event, you never know if we will be needed. I will link the W6WPT repeater to the N6FRG repeater via WiRES if needed. I will keep you posted on any other developments. 73, Sam – WS6P ARES Emergency Coordinator – Calaveras County RACES Radio Officer – Calaveras County Hm: (209) 293-4010 1st Net Cell: (209) 418-9207 W6WPT Repeater 440.100 + T100 WIRES-X node 33432