VHF Contest nr Blue Mtn

CARS members Mike, WA6ZTA, and Mark, N6IV, attend the VHF contest with Harry, K6HS, near Blue Mtn on June 8-9. After leaving Arnold about 12pm we ascended the road from Hades (IMO) to a summit just N.E. of the Blue Mtn. lookout at about 6,000 ft on a rocky ridge. Here is Mike’s VHF refuge which requires 4 wheeled drive and a chain saw. After setting up camp, our station canopy, numerous antennas, transceivers, cables, power supply, etc, etc, we were ready to transmit at 11 am on Sat morning.

K6HS very serious at making first contact.

I , N6IV, am behind camera in charge of 432 usb, 927 usb, 223 fm, and 440 fm. To say I was confused was and understatement. HaHa

Mike, explaining that we are very high.
Yes, canopy is very low to block brilliant sunshine and reduce wind drag.
QTH included a cinder block bunker (background) and a solar powered weather station.
Despite the picturesque views there were 30mph winds at night which prevented me from sleeping for 2 nights 🙁

We contacted lots of stations on many bands over the weekend. Some were fixed locations, others were moving around in mobile units with antennas called “rovers”. The rovers would travel between grid squares giving everyone additional points. Mike says we did well in the event and I learned serious VHF contesting from a couple of seasoned hams. Thank you Mike and Harry .

Ready for Field Day.

Mark Godbout, N6IV