Animal Disaster Services exercise

June 9, 2018

The Calaveras Amateur Radio Society provided Radio operators for the Calaveras Animal Disaster Services exercise on June 9, 2018. The exercise tested the use of pilot cars for the animal trailers. CARS members provided radio communications between the pilot vehicle and trailer vehicles as well as back to the event coordinator via a Net Control Station. 24 man hours went into supporting this event. Amador ARES also provided radio operators in a mutual aid scenario. I would like to thank KM6ELF-Delia, K6MAB-Miriam, KI6OBE-Kathy, WA6AVR-Jerry and KG6FEY-PT. From Amador ARES I would like to thank AF5CN-Steve and KJ6WYW-Dan for their support.

Sam – WS6P
Emergency Coordinator
Calaveras County