April 28, 2018

The Calaveras Amateur Radio Society provided radio operators for the Central Calaveras Fire & Rescue Mud Run on April 28.  The Mud Run consisted of up to 16 obstacles along the route that ranged from firefighter skills to strength and endurance tests. CARS members provided safety communications from critical areas back to the event coordinator. 64 man hours went into supporting this event. I would like to thank KM6AXJ-Josh, AE6LA-Ken, W6JAK-Jack, KM6AXL-Dave, KM6AXI-Chuck, KM6AXF-Donna, KM6NCS-Jay, and Marty (non-Amateur) for their support.

Sam, WS6P

Emergency Coordinator- Calaveras County

West Point, Wilseyville, Glencoe, Mokelumne Hill areas