May Section Report SJV

SM Dan

What great Hobby!!
There are so many things going on, Satellites, Digital modes, ATV,
tracking, remote controls, linking and on and on.  Not the least of
which is operating in an event that perks up your ego and inner child. 
Again there are many, IOTA, SOTA, DXpeditions, Indy races etc.  This
last weekend was Museum Ships Weekend and coming up is Field Day.
First let me give a personal account of Museum Ships Weekend.  The
Stockton Club (W6SF) has been working to restore both a WWII bomber and
the USS Lucid.  Just check out the web pages at USS Lucid (just Google
USS Lucid) and N6MSO her radio call sign on   There are
pictures on the W6SF website.  Well to say I had a great time would be
an understatement.  I was welcomed by all and made to feel right at
home.  Good Hams!  Even more, Paul N6KZW was the ramrod and crowd
pleaser.  His hospitality was unbeatable.  At this point I would have
to rattle off a whole list of calls but let it suffice to say there
were operators from the Lodi, Manteca, Tracy as well as the Stockton
Clubs.  I want to thank all of them and encourage each in the section
to find your history or notoriety that speaks to you and join in.  
This is a fun event but it helps to promote community.  The restoration
project enlists students from the San Joaquin Future Builders Academy
that gives under privileged kids the opportunity to learn skills and
trades that will continue to be viable in the future.  What a great way
to invest 2 weekends a month on a work project?
We need to remember Field Day, it is getting close.  Get your PIO and
Field Day coordinator all the support you can to get the word out. 
Post your locations on ARRL.  Invite your friends, neighbors and
coworkers to your site.  Don't have a site, look up one on ARRL and go
play Radio!  Bring a relative, younger is always good.  Show off your
Don't forget our HR-1309, write your letter!  Check out ARRL Pres. Kay
Craigie, N3KN, her remarks regarding the sponsorship.  To write your
letter go to : .  To read Kay Craigie’s, N3KN,

Dan Pruitt, AE6SX

NEWS: From ARRL newsletters.  Read complete articles from May to now.

05/11/2015 | New ARRL General Class License Manual Available as Soft
cover, Spiral Bound, or E-Book
05/12/2015 | Amateur Radio Nets Crucial Link in Maritime Rescues
05/13/2015 | US Navy-Marine Corps MARS Program to End 
05/13/2015 | Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015: 55 Cosponsors — and
05/14/2015 | ARRL Recognizing Amateur Radio Service to Scouting Award
Winners with Certificate 
05/19/2015 | Radio Amateur Sworn In as New NASA Deputy Administrator 
05/21/2015 | Updated Amateur Radio Emergency Service Manual Now Online

05/21/2015 | Dayton Hamvention 2015: Great Weekend, Friendly Crowd 
05/22/2015 | ARRL to Change Administrator for Insurance Plans 
Effective May 26, 2015
05/22/2015 | FCC Eliminates Amateur Radio Vanity Call Sign Regulatory
05/22/2015 | US Naval Academy PSK31 CubeSat Transponders Active 
05/26/2015 | China Set to Launch Several Amateur Radio Satellites this
05/26/2015 | Alberta ARES Requests Priority Access to 14.135, 7.135,
and 3.675 MHz Due to Fires 
05/27/2015 | Got Grids? ARRL June VHF Contest is June 13- 15 
05/28/2015 | USNA APRS/PSK31 CubeSats Offer Something Different 
05/28/2015 | Sarah Brightman Spaceflight Postponed 
05/28/2015 | Hams Invited to Test APRS on Duchifat-1 CubeSat 
06/01/2015 | It's Alive! LightSail Spacecraft Restored After Being
Silenced by Software Issue 
06/04/2015 | Another Australian Balloon with a Ham Radio Payload
Circumnavigates Earth 
06/07/2015 | US Naval Academy CubeSats Get OSCAR Numbers 

JUNE 2015

RSGB 80m Club Championship, CW
1900Z-2030Z, Jun 10
+ HA3NS Sprint Memorial Contest
1900Z-1929Z, Jun 12 (40m) and
1930Z-1959Z, Jun 12 (80m)
+ DRCG WW RTTY Contest
0000Z-0759Z, Jun 13 and
1600Z-2359Z, Jun 13 and
0800Z-1559Z, Jun 14
+ Asia-Pacific Sprint, SSB
1100Z-1300Z, Jun 13
+ Portugal Day Contest
1200Z, Jun 13 to 1200Z, Jun 14
1500Z, Jun 13 to 1500Z, Jun 14
+ ARRL June VHF Contest
1800Z, Jun 13 to 0259Z, Jun 15
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test
1300Z-1400Z, Jun 17 and
1900Z-2000Z, Jun 17 and
0300Z-0400Z, Jun 18
+ All Asian DX Contest, CW
0000Z, Jun 20 to 2400Z, Jun 21
+ Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY Contest
1200Z, Jun 20 to 1159Z, Jun 21
+ AGCW VHF/UHF Contest
1400Z-1700Z, Jun 20 (144) and
1700Z-1800Z, Jun 20 (432)
+ Stew Perry Topband Challenge
1500Z, Jun 20 to 1500Z, Jun 21
+ West Virginia QSO Party
1600Z, Jun 20 to 0200Z, Jun 21
+ WAB 50 MHz Phone
0900Z-1500Z, Jun 21
+ Kid's Day Contest
1800Z-2359Z, Jun 21
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test
1300Z-1400Z, Jun 24 and
1900Z-2000Z, Jun 24 and
0300Z-0400Z, Jun 25
+ NCCC RTTY Sprint
0145Z-0215Z, Jun 26
+ NCCC Sprint
0230Z-0300Z, Jun 26
+ Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest
1200Z, Jun 27 to 1200Z, Jun 28
+ His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB
1200Z, Jun 27 to 1200Z, Jun 28
+ ARRL Field Day
1800Z, Jun 27 to 2100Z, Jun 28
+ 10-10 Int. Spirit of 76 QSO Party
0001Z, Jun 29 to 2400Z, Jul 5

JULY 2015

+ RAC Canada Day Contest
0000Z-2359Z, Jul 1
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test
1300Z-1400Z, Jul 1 and
1900Z-2000Z, Jul 1 and
 0300Z-0400Z, Jul 2
+ NCCC RTTY Sprint
0145Z-0215Z, Jul 3
+ Venezuelan Ind. Day Contest
0000Z, Jul 4 to 2359Z, Jul 5
+ DL-DX RTTY Contest
1100Z, Jul 4 to 1059Z, Jul 5
+ Marconi Memorial HF Contest
1400Z, Jul 4 to 1400Z, Jul 5
+ Original QRP Contest
1500Z, Jul 4 to 1500Z, Jul 5
+ FISTS Summer Slow Speed Sprint
1700Z-2100Z, Jul 4
+ PODXS 070 Club 40m Firecracker Sprint
2000 local, Jul 4 to 0200 local, Jul 5
+ WAB 144 MHz Low Power Phone
1000Z-1400Z, Jul 5
+ DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest
1100Z-1700Z, Jul 5
+ QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint
2000Z-2359Z, Jul 5


CLOVIS ARP ++   The Club is teaming up with W6TV and new equipment to
operate in the GHz during the contest this weekend.  Headed up by Rob,
AE6GE and W6YEP they are intending to set some high water marks in
those frequencies.  The Field Day will be off to the mountains with 4
wheel clubs in the area.

FRESNO ARC++  Dave Smith, W6TE remembers John Stephenson, KD6OZH (SK)
and his work with AMSAT, NASA and TAPR.  Big plans are in the works for
Field Day, chaired by Ron, N6MTS.  Great instructions on the VHF/UHF
North-South operating hour on Field Day recommended by Chip, K7JA.

LODI ARC ++   Bob, K6DGQ, showed off a nice plaque he received for
being one of the operators for the W1AW/6 special event stations.  USS
Lucid was visited by some of the Lodi Club. 

LOS BANOS ARC ++  The Club remembers Gus Villalta, WB6QXE (SK)
recommending the following link  .
 Ken, KF6FDK (Merced ARES EC) presented a talk on preparedness sporting
his “go box” of radio equipment.  Nicely done Ken, we all need to
be prepared for any event.

SIERRA ARC ++  Field Day at Kennedy Meadows plans are all in place. 
Harry K6HLS (Pres.) all set except for antenna choice.  BARC and SARC
in the Park was deemed another successful collaboration.  June meeting
will be on Arduinos. 

SEQUOIA ARG ++  Al, N6ALP has resigned as news editor.  A very good
producer of the Club's newsletter, the pres Pete W6S, says. He is in
hopes he will continue to submit articles.  Turn by turn directions to
Field Day are included.  Good information concerning RFI from W1RFI.

STOCKTON DELTA ARC ++  NZ6Q, John reported; Museum ships weekend just
concluded as I am writing this newsletter.  Not only did we have a
great time operating, but also we enjoyed a fantastic meal – first
ever served in the restored ship’s galley. Your ARRL Section Manager
was in attendance. Operators came from several valley clubs to check
out the ship and grab the microphone or key.  Over 500 Qs were logged
by Saturday night.  Next up Kids day on the 21st and Field Day.  We
will have a full report in the July Flysheet.

TURLOCK ARC ++ Grady K6IXA, had a presentation on Winlink. Suggested for more info.  Rick K4REF on You Tube has the details on
how to get started.  No TNC required with Winmor software.

The following Amateurs became Silent Keys since the last report: 
"Sid", WA6NWP and Gus, WB6QXE.
They will be missed.

Traffic for May 2015:
ORS: W6SX 13 WA6IAF 0, WS6P 1298,  K6RAU 15  Total 1326
PSHR:  W6SX 38 WA6IAF 0, WS6P245, K6RAU 82

Mark your Calendars:   

06/20/2015 | Santa Maria Radio Swapfest 
Location: Orcutt, CA
Sponsor: Satellite Amateur Radio Club (W6AB)

09/11/2015 | Southwestern Division Convention (Hamcon 2015) 
Location: Torrance, CA
Sponsor: Los Angeles Area Council of Amateur Radio Clubs & Orange
County Council of Amateur Radio Organizations

09/19/2015 | Ninth Annual Sacramento Valley Hamfest 
Location: Lincoln, CA
Sponsor: Western Placer Amateur Radio Club

09/26/2015 | Washington State Convention (Spokane Hamfest) 
Location: Spokane Valley, WA
Type: ARRL Convention
Sponsor: IEVHF Radio Amateurs, KBARA, NW Tri-State ARO, Spokane DX
Assn., Palouse Hills ARC, Panoramaland ARC, & University HS ARC

10/16/2015 | Pacific Division Convention (PACIFICON 2015) 
Location: San Ramon, CA
Sponsor: Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club

Need to take an Amateur exam? Are you having an exam? Check the ARRL
web page, for exam information.
You can also search for Amateur Radio Classes in your area and register
your exam. Instructors can also register classes there.
Card Checking in the Section: You can get cards checked for awards
within the section. W6XK, K6ZZ, and W6DPD can check your cards for DXCC
in accordance with the rules for field checking. DXCC card checkers may
now check cards dated from Nov 15, 1945, including Deleted DXCC
Entities. K6ZZ can now check 160 Meter Cards. DXCC card checkers may,
at their discretion, check cards for WAS, WAC, and VUCC. W6DPD and K6ZZ
can check cards for the CQ Awards, WAZ, DX, Field, and Prefixes. The
card checkers may also check applications for the IARU Region 2 Award.
ARRL Special Service Clubs may appoint a HF awards manager for WAS and
a VHF Awards Manager for VUCC.
The Webinar by Hank Garretson, W6SX, has been posted to the WWROF
webpage ( under the Webinars link.  Hanks presentation
will be of particular interest to "Little Pistols" and those who are
space limited.  He added a link to the elevation plot which can be
viewed at  It's worth checking out!  Also
the Ladder Snaps in the presentation can be found at You can e-mail Hank at for additional details.

The K6RAU (our Traffic Manager) Morse Code Instruction Course is
available at or
No need to know a "dit" from a "dah", simply with paper and pencil, and
following the instructions.
CWops Tests are held weekly – Every Wednesday at 1300Z, 1900Z, and
0300Z (Thursday). Info and rules at . 

San Joaquin Valley Nets:
The Noontime net meets on 7.268.5 MHz. This net handles a lot of
Daytime Region 6 Traffic Net meets daily at 3:30 pacific time on or
near 7.275 MHZ. This one is probable not in operation at this time.
The California Traffic Net meets daily on 3.906 MHZ and 6:00 PM local
The Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net meets nightly at 7:00 PM local time
on 3.975 MHZ. 
Northern California Net (NCN), the Section Traffic Net, meets nightly
on 3.533 MHZ at 7 PM Pac Time. 
San Joaquin Net meets Monday-Saturday on 3.918 MHZ, at 6 PM Pacific
Western Public Service System (WPSS) meets nightly on 3.952 MHZ, roll -
at 7:30 PM local Pacific Time.
The Mission Trail Net meets nightly on 3.856 MHZ at 8:00 PM local
Northern California Net 2 (NCN2) The slow speed training session of
NCN, meets nightly on 3.533 MHZ at 9 PM Pacific Time. Handling traffic
on CW is a good way to improve your CW skills.

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX