Mr. Frog’s Wild Ride

Andy and Ranger Andy NV6V Beautiful Day for a ride Couple 2 Cute Couple 2 Cute Couple Downhill Eat and Rest stop Eileen KK6GIX First Rider Froggy Socks How many? Just Ducky Lots of bikes Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 8 Pic 9 Ranger says Hi Setting Up 1 Setting Up 2 Tux rider Which Way

Swap Meets!


Calling all Hams
Just a short notice that Spring is here and so are Ham Radio Swap Meets.
So for the inquisitive , the builder & those looking for a great deal here
are but a few up coming Swap Meets not too far out of our area:
April 26- Saturday @ Sonoma Swap Meet , 126- 1st St. starts at 0800..
May 18- Sunday  @ North Hills Swap , Natomsas High School ,
                                 Sacramento.. starts at 0700
May 30-31&01June-Fri-Sat&Sun @ Nevada State Convention, Virgina
                                  City....Swap meet unk ?
June 7- Saturday @ Marysville Swap Meet, 6000 Lindhurst Ave..
                                 starts at 0700
June 6-7&8- Fri-Sat & Sun @ SEAPAC , Sea Side,Ore...great location &
                                 lots of new & used gear.
Sept. 06?? - Sat @ Lincoln Swap Meet, Lincoln,Ca.

Bill- K6DUY

SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY SECTION Report for the month of March 2014


Hello SJV,

Has anyone seen Spring?  Weather was in the 50 – 60 range now it is
80 – 90, and going up!  

It is just an observation but if you are involved with ARES® in
support of the Fire Service, I see a need to be updating your contacts
and action plans.  I took a trip through Kern County, passing trough
Fresno and Tulare Counties, and every reservoir is empty!  Some do not
have enough water to even reach their dams.  So Fire is the first

Come later in the year they are forecasting (or praying) for an El Nino
event.  This means a lot of water and the calamities that brings.  These
are evident in the articles about the mud slides in Oregon, Washington,
and Colorado.

The fun stuff is always good.  Field Day is coming very quickly. 
Public Service events are great ways to meet and greet and see another
smile, hi hi.  Where I am 10 Meters has been very active so the other
money bands are working too.

Don't forget that Pacificon is an ARRL Regional Centennial Convention,
so put it on your schedule.

Many thanks for the Hospitality of the Ridgecrest “Sierra” ARC.  I
welcome the chance to attend any Club meeting.  Just contact me and we
can arrange the details.


Dan Pruitt, AE6SX

         W1AW Centennial Operations for April
April 2nd – April 9th Pennsylvania (W1AW/3) Oregon (W1AW/7)
April 9th – April 16th Massachusetts (W1AW/1) Virginia (W1AW/4)
Puerto Rico (W1AW/KP4)
April 16th – April 23rd North Dakota (W1AW/0) Mississippi (W1AW/5)
April 23rd – April 30th New Jersey (W1AW/2) New Hampshire (W1AW/1)

Mark your Calendars:  Dayton Hamvention   May 16-18, 2014 -- Regional
ARRL Centennial Event, Dayton, Ohio .  For details see .  May 30-Jun 1 Nevada State Convention, Virginia
City, Nevada.  Go to for more information.  SEA-PAC June
6 - 8, 2014, Seaside, Oregon.  For more information go to  46th Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club Convention.
Dates, July 9-12 2014. Location: The Holiday Inn Hotel & 
   Conference Center 9000 West Airport Drive Visalia, CA 93277   For
more info check  Pacificon 2014/Regional ARRL
Centennial Convention is 10 through 14 October 2014.  Details at


N6DVR, W6NIF, and KI6QEL, KJ6HUP, and AG6BP are active on JT65.


CLOVIS ARP ++  The season for Public Service events are in full swing. 
Rob AE6GE has 3 events in April alone.  Mag Loop Antennas was the latest
program presented by Mike, KD6LDA.

FRESNO ARC++   Did you ever wonder what is in WD-40?  Check out the
“Skip” for April.  The Fresno EC report, by Glen N6HEW, I think
shows the direction of most EmComm.  This includes social media
(Facebook, twitter etc.  Ron N6MTS enlightens us on the reports
required of 501 ( c ) 3 corporations.

SIERRA ARC ++  The rescue of five adult hikers, who became lost in San
Emigdio Canyon was facilitated by hams like Bill, AB6CF and Don KW6PMC.
 Relaying position and situation to the 911 Center.

SEQUOIA ARG ++  Pres. Pete, W6SV highlighted the March program from
NOAA, Skywarn.  Great turn out.  James Brotherton of the National
Weather Service will repeat his presentation in Bear Valley Springs. 
After seeing Lake Isabella, I think they were hoping for insight to the
water situation.  Thank you Mike, KA6IYS and the Western Kern Co. ARES
group command staff.  Keep the EmComm moving forward.

STOCKTON DELTA ARC ++  Dave, N6LHL and John, NZ6Q reported on the
success of the Peddling Paths for Independence Bike Ride. Mike, K6MDS
gave a  presentation on transmitter hunting.  A Joint Manteca –
Stockton – Lodi transmitter hunt was suggested.

Tuolomne Co.  ARES ++  Carl NI6Z submitted the Public Service Report
form detailing the equivalent cost of communication and volunteer
hours.  Although there is no cost of volunteering Amateur Radio and
there is no compensation, our portion would have cost the authorities
$4528.00 and 90 man hours for a 7 hour event.  Again there was no
compensation for this.  It is merely an equivalent of the voluntary
effort offered by the Hams. 

TURLOCK ARC ++ Darren, K6RDJ briefed the club on DMR Radio and D-Star. 
Link is included in their ARC-Over news letter.  Grady K6IXA, talked on
the W4MQ remote base software.  He also  said the W6HHD D-Star is back
on the air.

These Silent Keys were recorded, since the last report: Ted, W5ILA,
Tom, KA6Z and Solomon, KD6GHC.  They will be missed.

Traffic for March 2014:
ORS: WS6P 1666, K6RAU 25 W6SX 19  Total 1710
PSHR: WS6P 145, W6SX 44, K6RAU 89

NEWS: From ARRL newsletters.  Read complete articles from March to

03/11/2014 | NPR’s “All Things Considered” Segment to Include
Spark Gap Morse from ARRL 
03/12/2014 | “Ham Video” Transmits Live Images of Astronaut Mike
Hopkins, KF5LJG, From the ISS 

03/12/2014 | New SATERN Emergency Disaster Services Ham Station May Be
Remotely Controlled 

03/14/2014 | FCC Invites Public Comment on Petition Affecting 10-10.5
GHz Band 

03/14/2014 | ARRL to FCC: “Grow Light” Ballast Causes HF
Interference, Violates Rules 

03/17/2014 | Former NASA Astronaut Visits Missouri School as Kids Talk
via Ham Radio with the ISS 

03/21/2014 | ARRL Announces Centennial Station Giveaway! 

03/24/2014 | Qatar’s Geostationary Es’hailSat 2 Satellite to Carry
Amateur Radio Transponder 

03/25/2014 | Amateur Radio Volunteers Staffing Shelters, EOC in
Washington Landslide Response 

03/26/2014 | HI-SEAS Mission Team Set for Mars “Landing” on March

03/27/2014 | Amateur Radio, Federal Government Engaged in Joint 5 MHz
Communication Exercise 

03/28/2014 | High-Altitude Balloon Flight to Carry APRS and Crossband

04/01/2014 | Lithuania’s President Relays Greetings via Amateur Radio

04/01/2014 | ARRL Calls for Timely, Visible FCC Amateur Radio

04/04/2014 | Celebrate Ham Radio — WARD 2014

04/07/2014 | ARRL Releases First Repeater Directory App for Android

04/08/2014 | The ARRL Rookie Roundup SSB is Sunday, April 20! 

APRIL 2014        

+ OK/OM DX Contest, SSB 1200Z, Apr 12 to 1200Z, Apr 13
+ New Mexico QSO Party 1400Z, Apr 12 to 0200Z, Apr 13
+ Georgia QSO Party 1800Z, Apr 12 to 0359Z, Apr 13 and 1400Z-2359Z, Apr
+ Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest 2100Z, Apr 12 to 2100Z, Apr 13
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Apr 16 and   1900Z-2000Z, Apr 16
and 0300Z-0400Z, Apr 17
+ ARLHS Annual Spring Lites QSO Party 0001Z, Apr 17 to 2359Z, Apr 22
+ Holyland DX Contest 2100Z, Apr 18 to 2100Z, Apr 19
+ ES Open HF Championship 0500Z-0859Z, Apr 19
+ CQ Manchester Mineira DX Contest 1200Z, Apr 19 to 2359Z, Apr 20
+ EU Spring Sprint, SSB 1600Z-1959Z, Apr 19
+ Michigan QSO Party 1600Z, Apr 19 to 0400Z, Apr 20
+ Ontario QSO Party 1800Z, Apr 19 to 1800Z, Apr 20
+ YU DX Contest 2100Z, Apr 19 to 1700Z, Apr 20
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Apr 23 and 1900Z-2000Z, Apr 23 and
0300Z-0400Z, Apr 24
+ 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, Digital 0001Z, Apr 26 to 2359Z, Apr 27
+ SP DX RTTY Contest 1200Z, Apr 26 to 1200Z, Apr 27
+ Florida QSO Party 1600Z, Apr 26 to 2159Z, Apr 27
+ BARTG Sprint 75 1700Z-2100Z, Apr 27
+ CWops Mini-CWT Test 1300Z-1400Z, Apr 30 and 1900Z-2000Z, Apr 30 and 
0300Z-0400Z, May 1

May 2014
+ 10-10 Int. Spring Contest, CW 0001Z, May 3 to 2359Z, May 4
+ 7th Call Area QSO Party 1300Z, May 3 to 0700Z, May 4
+ Indiana QSO Party 1600Z, May 3 to 0400Z, May 4
+ New England QSO Party 2000Z, May 3 to 2400Z, May 4

ARRL San Joaquin Valley Section
Section Manager: Dan Pruitt, AE6SX