13 Colonies Special Event 2024

More Details can be found by clicking on the Link below


Work On Fowler Repeater Site Continues

Our Replacement Repeater Antenna has arrived at the Fowler Site, transported by Chuck Farr W6AJW and Al Lamore KF6OBM

Fowler Weed Eating Project

Helen KM6ELE, Ken AE6LA, Walt K6WGY, Mark N6IV

We Thank the Weed Wacking Crew pictured above for taking care of the grounds of our repeater location. In the near future they helped prep the way for our new antenna installation on top of a 80 foot.


Mt Oaks School May, 2024

Launch Video

KB6USJ-11 Spends One Year In Orbit Around The Earth

An educational outreach program demonstrated to students at Mt. Oaks Charter School in Sonora, the students learned about the history of early radio, and the many facets of the hobby of Amateur Radio At the end of the presentations they were introduced to one of those facets and were given the opportunity of participating in a Pico Balloon Launch. Many students were impressed with how the Balloons can transmits information digitally as it orbits the Earth. Four Hams took part in this unique mission all from different Radio Clubs so you can say it was a collaborative effort. David Voit WB6TOU, Skip Chraft N6NFB (Lodi Amateur Radio Club), Paul Bailey KN6CWT (Tuolumne Radio Club) and Michael Grcevich KB6USJ (Calaveras Amateur Radio Club). Our expectations and that of the students was that the Balloon could orbit the Earth for a time before the Balloon would fail rendering it back to Earth.

The students really enjoyed tracking KB6USJ-11 as it traversed the planet passing over countless countries and continents using tracking software developed like WSPR and APRS.FI. I’m overjoyed to report our mission is not over the Balloons performance in the high altitude has gone far beyond expectations. Today a year later it is orbiting the Earth beaconing its position and other telemetry, the electronics and the materials used in construction of the Balloon have held up admirably. The Pico Balloon group as well as the students wish it to continue on its travels.

Dave and his Pico Balloon Lecture
Paul and Mike with student

Repeater Presentation By Mark Price

Club Business Meeting 5/9/24

Roundtable Pizza 6:30 pm Hrs(local) 27N main St Angels Camp Ca.

5/9/2024 Meeting Agenda

Editors Note

The President’s Corner message was sent via email to members of the Calaveras Amateur Radio Society. A copy of the email is listed below, there are two pages to the President’s message scroll down to the bottom of page one and you should see an icon to proceed to page 2. There will be a presentation by one of our members Mark Price during the business meeting.