Field Day 2024

A group of us Frogs trekked up to Avery, Ca to set up the station very warm temperatures prevailed. It was essential to provide shade and hydration for the group. Band conditions were not exceptional so a keen ear and several call outs were needed on many of the stations logged in. Perseverance was in order which this group had no shortage of, equally our Fellowship between each other kept this Perseverance spirit!

Our diary of the day is written on the photos below.

Father’s Day Fly-In

A Fun local event click on the Link for the full information and schedule

ARRL VHF Contest

The summer VHF contest season kicks off this weekend with the ARRL June VHF Contest, beginning at 1800 UTC on Saturday, June 8, and concluding at 0259 UTC Monday, June 10. The contest exchange is your four-digit Maidenhead grid square. For more information on grid squares, visit Complete rules are available at

80th Anniversary Of D-Day

Consult the ARRL Special Event section for complete listing of stations who will be on the air for this historical occasion of World War II. Listed below are snapshots of that Special Event section

June 1-14 1500/-2200Z , W2D Hunt Valley, MD Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum W2D D-Day Commemoration and the Role of Electronics of World War II, 7.044, 7,244 14.044, 14.244 Certificate & QSL ..K3NY, 108 Brent Rd., Arnold , MD 21012 (Primary)

Photo Above Courtesy of Google Images

San Joaquin Amateur Radio Picnic And Swapmeet

Ride And Walk 4 Art

Gorgeous weather determined cyclist and walkers wishing to put this Winter in the past. Here are a few photos of March 17th event to show you. I’m sure more will be made available to post!

Thanks for your participation; Joni B KN6WVX, Helen Y KM6ELE, Mike F WA6ZTY, Dave O N6DAO, Andy NV6V, Dave AD6AE

Photos Courtesy Mike G, Aaron K, Mark P, Mark G


Roundtable Pizza 6:30 pm Hrs Local 27N Main St. Angels Camp, Ca.

Loomis Hamfest



The date is set for Hamfest 2024!

Mark you calendars, in ink, for Saturday, March 16th, 2024!

Join us for the first Hamfest of 2024 at the historic Loomis Train Depot.  We will have plenty of coffee and donuts for you to enjoy while you shop for gear at our Club Table and swap meet, attending our presentations.  Come on out rain or shine!!


Historic Loomis Train Depot

5775 Horseshoe Bar Rd

Loomis , Ca.

Winter Field Day 2024

A favorable forecast gave us the green light to set up a station in Avery, Ca. Below are Mark N6IV, Walt K6WGY and Mike KB6USJ the outing photographer(not pictured). Propagation especially on 15 M kept us busy logging stations from the mid west to eastern parts of the country. When the operation was completed the group of three came away high spirited. Not bad working 100 watts and a dipole.

Winter Field Day 2024

Additional Information can be found by clicking the Link below