Field Day 2024

A group of us Frogs trekked up to Avery, Ca to set up the station very warm temperatures prevailed. It was essential to provide shade and hydration for the group. Band conditions were not exceptional so a keen ear and several call outs were needed on many of the stations logged in. Perseverance was in order which this group had no shortage of, equally our Fellowship between each other kept this Perseverance spirit!

Our diary of the day is written on the photos below.

Radio Events June 15-16 2024

ARRL Kids DayARRL Kids Day is on Saturday, June 15, and will run from 1800 UTC through 2359 UTC. It’s the perfect opportunity to introduce youngsters to the excitement of amateur radio. The exchange is the participant’s name, age, location, and favorite color. Sponsored by the Boring, (Oregon) Amateur Radio Club, Kids Day is held every year on the first Saturday in January and the third Saturday in June. More information is available at Virginia QSO PartyFor state QSO party enthusiasts, the West Virginia QSO Party begins on June 15 at 1600 UTC, and concludes on June 16 at 0400 UTC. Contacts can be made on CW, phone, and digital modes.

ARRL VHF Contest

The summer VHF contest season kicks off this weekend with the ARRL June VHF Contest, beginning at 1800 UTC on Saturday, June 8, and concluding at 0259 UTC Monday, June 10. The contest exchange is your four-digit Maidenhead grid square. For more information on grid squares, visit Complete rules are available at

80th Anniversary Of D-Day

Consult the ARRL Special Event section for complete listing of stations who will be on the air for this historical occasion of World War II. Listed below are snapshots of that Special Event section

June 1-14 1500/-2200Z , W2D Hunt Valley, MD Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum W2D D-Day Commemoration and the Role of Electronics of World War II, 7.044, 7,244 14.044, 14.244 Certificate & QSL ..K3NY, 108 Brent Rd., Arnold , MD 21012 (Primary)

Photo Above Courtesy of Google Images

Museum Ships Weekend




SDARC Members and Friends have been invited aboard the USS Lucid Museum Ship to activate the ship for Museum Ships Weekend.  

We will be operating from 0000Z June 1st (5:00 PM May 31st) until

Sunday June 5th – shutting down at around1400 or 2PM local time.

John NZ6Q is organizing the operation this year.  

Museum Ships Weekend June 1st-2nd 2024

A special event commemorating ships whose service effected the outcome of conflicts. A local museum ship the USS Lucid designated as a minesweeper from the W6SF Stockton Club will be on the air. Here is a link that you can follow to get a registrar of all 97 ships participating.

Mt Oaks School May, 2024

Launch Video

KB6USJ-11 Spends One Year In Orbit Around The Earth

An educational outreach program demonstrated to students at Mt. Oaks Charter School in Sonora, the students learned about the history of early radio, and the many facets of the hobby of Amateur Radio At the end of the presentations they were introduced to one of those facets and were given the opportunity of participating in a Pico Balloon Launch. Many students were impressed with how the Balloons can transmits information digitally as it orbits the Earth. Four Hams took part in this unique mission all from different Radio Clubs so you can say it was a collaborative effort. David Voit WB6TOU, Skip Chraft N6NFB (Lodi Amateur Radio Club), Paul Bailey KN6CWT (Tuolumne Radio Club) and Michael Grcevich KB6USJ (Calaveras Amateur Radio Club). Our expectations and that of the students was that the Balloon could orbit the Earth for a time before the Balloon would fail rendering it back to Earth.

The students really enjoyed tracking KB6USJ-11 as it traversed the planet passing over countless countries and continents using tracking software developed like WSPR and APRS.FI. I’m overjoyed to report our mission is not over the Balloons performance in the high altitude has gone far beyond expectations. Today a year later it is orbiting the Earth beaconing its position and other telemetry, the electronics and the materials used in construction of the Balloon have held up admirably. The Pico Balloon group as well as the students wish it to continue on its travels.

Dave and his Pico Balloon Lecture
Paul and Mike with student

Repeater Presentation By Mark Price