Good Fellowship + Good Food = Good Picnic

Multi-Club Picnic 9/21/24

California QSO Party Oct 5-6, 2024

Details can be found by clicking on the Link below

Picnic Cont

Bob KA9MDP Net Control For Monday 9/23/2024

Mark Price N6ARP Monday Net Control For September 16, 2024

Don’t Forget About The Picnic September 21st 2024

Club Business Meeting 9/12/2024

Roundtable Pizza 6:30 PM HRS (local) 27N Main St. Angels Camp, Ca.

Presidents Corner

Earth’s New Magnetic Field

Gravity, Magnetic, now Bipolar Earth fields.  How this effects Ham radio, weather, etc. is unknown.

 Supersonic?  See attached link.

Courtesy The Telegraph

Member Al; KF6OBM

Net Control For Monday 9/2/2024

KB6USJ, Mike QTH Copperopolis, Ca.